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This version of module is obsolete. Please use the new version (v3).

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FACT-Finder® Web Components for Magento 2

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This document helps you integrate the FACT-Finder Web Components SDK into your Magento 2 Shop. In addition, it gives a concise overview of its primary functions. The first chapter Installation walks you through the suggested installation processes. The second chapter “Backend Configuration” explains the customisation options in the Magento 2 backend. The final chapter Web Component Integration describes how the web components interface with the shop system and how to customise them.

Table of contents


This module supports:

  • Magento 2 version 2.3 and higher
  • PHP version 7.2 and higher


To install module, open your terminal and run the command:

composer require omikron/magento2-factfinder

Optionally, you can specify a version constraint, e.g. omikron/magento2-factfinder:^1.3. Refer to Composer manual for more information. If, for some reason, composer is not available globally, proceed to install it following the instructions available on the project website.

Activating the Module

From the root of your Magento 2 installation, enter these commands in sequence:

php bin/magento module:enable Omikron_Factfinder
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

As a final step, check the module activation by running:

php bin/magento module:status

The module should now appear in the upper list List of enabled modules.

Also, check in the Magento 2 backend "Stores → Configuration → Advanced → Advanced" if the module output is activated.

Module configuration

Backend Configuration

Once the FACT-Finder module is activated, you can find the configurations page under "Stores → Configuration → Catalog → FACT-Finder". Here you can customise the connection to the FACT-Finder service. You can also activate and deactivate single web components, as well as access many additional settings.

Main Settings

At the top of the configurations page are the main settings. The information with which the shop connects to and authorises itself to the FACT-Finder Service are entered here. In the first line, activate your FACT-Finder integration. Before any changes become active, save them by clicking "Save Config". In some cases, you need to manually empty the cache (Configuration and Page Cache). Click the button "Test Connection" to check the connection to the FACT-Finder service.

Note: the channel name needs to be entered correctly to establish a connection.

Here you can also enable the rendering of category pages using FACT-Finder. More details can be found here.

At the end of the Main Settings section is an option Show 'Add to Cart' Button in Search Results. Activate this option to add a button to the products displayed on the search result page, which directly adds that product to the shopping cart. This feature works only for simple products. For configurable products user will be redirected to product page to choose specific product variant. Warning: The product added to the cart is identified by the variable "MasterProductNumber". To allow this function to work correctly, the field "MasterProductNumber" must be imported to the FACT-Finder backend (on

By enabling option Activate Logging, all exceptions thrown during communication with FACT-Finder server will be saved in log file var/log/factfinder.log.

Note: that is a server side communication option: Web Components behaviour won't be affected.

Main Settings

FACT-Finder version

From version 2, the module supports both 7.3 and NG. If you use lower version, please install NG submodule

Server Side Rendering

That option enables Server Side Rendering (SSR) for ff-record-list element on category and search result pages. That means when user navigate to a page of mentioned type, the HTML output will contain the pre-rendered custom elements. This is useful especially in terms of SEO because ff-record-list renders product data which could have much impact on page rating in browser. Without SSR enabled, web crawlers could not have a chance to scan the element rendered content because it will not yet be rendered on the time of scanning. The module uses Mustache.php library for template processing

Note: More information about SSR concept you can find in the article Server Side Rendering from Web Components documentation.

Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings contains additional parameters used for the ff-communication web component. Each setting is set to a default value and has a short explanatory text attached.

Currency and Country Settings

You don't need to set currency nor country only for module purposes. It will use currently used currency and pass this information to ff-communication component as respectively currency-code and country-code parameters. You can find these settings under Magento General settings

Optional Custom Elements

Optional Custom Elements Some of the custom elements we offer works only when specific additional FACT-Finder modules has been purchased. Here you can disabled them, if you do not use utilize this part of FACT-Finder functionality

Note: Paging has been added cause with infinite scrolling enabled in ff-record list, this custom element is redundant

Custom Elements Options

Custom Elements Options In this section you can find specific custom elements attributes, the values of which, you can configure. The values stored here are passed to specific places in the templates of the corresponding elements.

Export Settings

Product Data Export

In this section users can decide if the attributes should be exported as single fields or grouped into a multi-attribute field. Setting Multi-Attribute to No will result attribute being part of cumulative column FilterAttribute. Setting value to Yes will result attribute will be exported into separated column.

Attribute export is working for the attributes of type:

  • boolean
  • price
  • select
  • multiselect
  • all scalars

Numerical attributes

Setting a multi-attribute field as numerical, will cause this field to be exported to a separate multi-attribute column named NumericalAttributes. This would easier filter configuration in FACT-Finder.

Note: Attributes which are part of configuration are always exported to FilterAttributes.

CMS Export Settings

You can export Your CMS pages to FACT-Finder to present them in suggest results.

CMS Export Settings

  • Pages Blacklist - allow user to filter out pages, which should not be exported, for example "404 Not Found page" should not be visible at suggested records

If you want to start using CMS export in your project, please contact a person from FACT-Finder who is assigned to your project or ask our Service Desk.

Note: CMS Export is available only via console command

Data Transfer Settings

This option configures the connection with the FACT-Finder system via FTP/SFTP. Shop data can be generated and transferred to FACT-Finder using FTP/SFTP. FACT-Finder needs to be up to date on the product data, to ensure that components like the search work as intended.

For FTP servers you will likely specify the user and password For SFTP servers you can use both authenication methods: key or password

Note Magento uploader does not allow files without extension. If your key file doesn't have any, please add one (for example .rsa) Note Don't forget to specify the key passhprase if it's protected

Enter an server to which the CSV file is uploaded automatically. If you are not sure if Magento will be able to connect to your server, please use "Check Upload connection" option.

The CSV file uses double quotes " for field enclosure and a semi-colon ; as field delimiter.

The Select additional Attributes option offers a multiple-choice list of attributes. Select all of those you want added to the CSV file.

Before starting the export by clicking Generate Export File(s) now, you need to commit all changes by clicking "Save Config". The exception from that rule is Test Connection function which always takes the actual values from the corresponding fields.

Data Transfer Settings

Updating Field Roles

Field roles are assigned while creating new channel in FACT-Finder application, however they can be changed anytime. In this situations, You need to update field roles which are being kept in Magento database for tracking purposes. To updates field roles, use the button Update Field Roles

Automatic Import

Once the feed file is uploaded (using FTP Export), in order FACT-Finder to start serving new data, import needs to be triggered. Module allows You to enable automatic import which makes FACT-Finder import will be triggered, right after the feed file is uploaded onto FTP server. You can also select which of data types should be imported automatically

  • Data (Search)
  • Suggest This is a multiselect field so You can select both of them

Data Export

In following section You'll get information how, to integrate Your feed with FACT-Finder. Feed is built the same way, regardless of chosen method, so You can choose from one of possible methods.

Integration Methods

FTP export

This method exports feed from shop system and uploads it to FTP server. In order to use this method of export, You need to have FTP server configured (described in section Data Transfer Settings). Then You can click the button (visible below) to generate and then, upload file via FTP.

Product Data Export

Using of that button is dedicated mostly for ad-hoc export. In production environment You'll rather use Cron job which will do the same work without forcing You to click the export button each time You want to send new data to FACT-Finder. To configure Cron, please activate the option Generate Export Files(s) automatically and the export will be generated every day at 01:00 server time.

In file crontab.xml You can see a expression <schedule>0 1 * * *</schedule> which is a default value however You can define your own cron expression in the module configuration (section visible below). Value set here, will override the default crontab config. Please remember that this setting is only for that specific task ran under Magento supervisor. It won't work until You have not system Cron configured. To do that, You'll need to add Magento Cron entrypoint to Your system crontab file. Read this tutorial for more information

Cron Configuration

HTTP Export

Alternative way to integrate Your feed is to use builtin FACT-Finder functionality to periodically download feed from specific URL which the feed is accessible at. This URL should be secured by Basic Auth (username and password configured at section Data Transfer Settings) in order only authenticated users get access to. By making this URL no secured, You are allowing literally everyone to download Your feed!

Exports are available under following location: https://YOUR_SHOP_URL/factfinder/export/product/store/YOUR_STORE_ID

If there's no store id provided, feed will be generated with the default store (by default with id = 1)

You should provide this URL in Your FACT-Finder UI FACT-Finder Import settings

Console Command

If You are a developer and want to test feed is generated correctly or You do not want to executing magento cron You can use console command which is implementation of Command of Symfony Console Component, builtin in Magento2. Command name: factfinder:export [TYPE]. You can add execution of this command to Your crontab file.

  • Arguments:
    • type (mandatory) - set the FeedFactory class with a type of data to be exported. If for a given type, no data provider exists, an exception will be thrown. Possible default values are product and cms.
  • Options (all optional)
    • store - define a store, which the product data will be taken from
    • skip-ftp-upload - skips the ftp upload
    • skip-push-import - skips triggering import

Web Component Integration

You can activate and deactivate any web components from the configurations page in the Magento 2 backend.

The HTML code for the web components can be found in this folder:


The module styles can be found in this folder


Since Magento 2 is using Less, all source styles are written in this stylesheet language


You can integrate the templates anywhere within your shop system. The recommended way is to use Magento2 layouts for that. As an example, the ff-suggest element was integrated into the ff-searchbox template for this SDK:

<referenceBlock name="">
    <action method="setTemplate" ifconfig="factfinder/general/is_enabled">
        <argument name="template" xsi:type="string">Omikron_Factfinder::ff/searchbox.phtml</argument>
    <block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="factfinder.suggest" as="suggest" ifconfig="factfinder/general/is_enabled" template="Omikron_Factfinder::ff/suggest.phtml" />

You can also instantiate block in templates using the Magento Layout API, but it's not a recommended way

<?php echo $this->getLayout()
->toHtml(); ?>

Communication Element

The main configuration element of Web Components ff-communication element is included in template src/view/frontend/templates/ff/communication.phtml which comes together with a dedicated view model src/ViewModel/Communication.php. This template is part of the default layout, added to the after.body.start container. It is essential for whole module to work, so make sure it is also included in your project.

Note: Avoid overriding both the template and view model.

Searchbox Integration and Functions

As soon as the FACT-Finder-Integration is activated in the configuration, the search box web component is automatically activated. It replaces your standard search in Magento2 2.

You can find the template for the FACT-Finder Search at:


Once you perform a search, you will automatically be redirected to a new and improved version of the Magento 2 search result page, which works with FACT-Finder data. Additionally, FACT-Finder enriches the new search result page’s URL with relevant data, like the search’s FACT-Finder channel or the search query string. The module’s source code contains the search results’ layout definition in this XML file:


Several templates are already integrated into this layout, among others ff-record-list, which displays the search results.

Process of Data Transfer between Shop and FACT-Finder

Communication Overview By default search/suggest requests are performed directly to FACT-Finder bypassing Magento backend. However if for some reason, You want to modify request parameters or want to modify the response before returning it to the front, You can enable Proxy.

Using Proxy

By enabling this, once a search query is sent, it does not immediately reach FACT-Finder, but is handed off to a specific controller


which hands the request to the FACT-Finder system, receives the answer, processes it and only then returns it to the frontend/web component. You can add a afterExecute plugin using Magento Interceptor mechanism to enrich data received from FACT-Finder.

Note: Sending each request to FACT-Finder instance trough Magento, you lose on performance as each request need to be handled first by HTTP server and then, by Magento itself. This additional traffic could be easily avoided by not activating this feature if there's no clear reason to use it.

Using FACT-Finder on category pages

Module in order to preserve categories URLs and hence SEO get use of standard Magento routing with the combination of FACT-Finder availability to pass custom parameters to search request. Once user is landed on category page. Search request is performed immediately (thanks to search-immediate communication parameter usage). To enable that, turn on corresponding option in Main Settings section.


The module uses Web Components API to track following events:

  • click on product
  • add product to cart
  • purchase an order
  • user login

To track product click make sure your record template uses data-redirect directive described in Tracking guide. Adding to cart is tracked using WEB Components API in src/view/frontend/web/js/catalog-add-to-cart-mixin.js:28 script. To make it work, make sure that you are using base catalog-add-to-cart.js, otherwise the mixing will not be applied. Checkout tracking is done using the ff-checkout-tracking element. This element is added in src/view/frontend/templates/ff/checkout-tracking.phtml which extend the checkout_onepage_success layout. If you do not use this layout in your checkout make sure you append it to your own one. For that you can use the view model src/ViewModel/Order.php which provides all necessary data from the backend to the template. Login tracking is by additional CustomerData section ffcommunication. This section should is configured in src/etc/frontend/sections.xml and should react to the user login action and reload containing data after that.

Modification examples

Our Magento 2 module offers a fully working integration out of the box. However, most projects may require modifications in order to fit their needs. Here are some common customization examples.

Changing existing column names

The module has predefined column names defined in the main DI configuration etc/di.xml. These follow our feed best practices. The default DataProvider is configured to export data for columns with same names, so in order to change column name, you will need to add two modifications:

  • Define new column name in your custom module di.xml. The following code snippet shows how to change name for column Master Product Number (in module named Master):
<virtualType name="Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\CatalogFeed">
        <argument name="columns" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="Master" xsi:type="string">CUSTOM_NAME</item>
  • Once the column name is changed in di.xml, add a plugin to the DataProvider and replace the standard name with new one. Remember that you do not need to copy rest of elements. They won't be removed because the DI configuration loading mechanism will merge all definitions into one output. Example implementation:
<type name="Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\ProductType\SimpleDataProvider">
    <plugin name="custom-provider" type="YOUR_VENDOR\YOUR_MODULE\Plugin\AfterToArrayPlugin" />
public function afterToArray($subject, $result)
    return ['CUSTOM_NAME' => $result['Master']] + $result;

Finally, run bin/magento cache:clean config to replace old DI configuration with the one you just created.

Adding new column

The standard feed contains all data FACT-Finder® requires to work. However, you may want to export additional information which is relevant for your project and not part of a default Magento 2 installation. In order to do so, let's take a look into the FieldProvider definition:

<type name="Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\FieldProvider">
        <argument name="productFields" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="ImageURL" xsi:type="object">Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\ProductField\ProductImage</item>
            <item name="CategoryPath" xsi:type="object">Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\ProductField\CategoryPath</item>
            <item name="Attributes" xsi:type="object">Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\ProductField\Attributes</item>

The constructor argument productFields stores reference to fields that require more logic than simply retrieving data from the product. Let's assume we want to add a new column BrandLogo containing image URLs. In your module DI, add the new field definition in the same way as defaults are added.

Again, there is no need to copy all other field definitions: Magento will merge the existing columns with the one you just have added. In order for your field exporter to work, it has to implement Omikron\Factfinder\Api\Export\FieldInterface. Your class skeleton to export the brand logo could look like this:

class BrandLogo implements \Omikron\Factfinder\Api\Export\FieldInterface
    public function getValue(Product $product): string
        // Getting products brand logo URL...

Finally, You need to define new column in CatalogFeed definition in di.xml`.

<virtualType name="Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\CatalogFeed">
        <argument name="columns" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="BrandLogo" xsi:type="string">BrandLogo</item>

GenericField usage

If extracting logic is just a retrieving attribute value from product without any further data transformation creating virtual type of GenericField might be used instead of implementing FieldInterface. The constructor for this class requires only an attribute code to be exported.

<virtualType name="Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\ProductField\Brand" type="Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\ProductField\GenericField">
        <argument name="attributeCode" xsi:type="string">manufacturer</argument>

Now run bin/magento cache:clean config to use the new DI configuration.

Adding custom communication parameter

Module configuration allows You to pass constant values to each params, however sometimes You may need to provide variable value i.e. depending on currently logged customer. In order to do that, You should create custom Parameter Provider.

class CustomAddParams implements \Omikron\Factfinder\Api\Config\ParametersSourceInterface
       public function getParameters(): array
           return [
               'add-params'  => $this->getMyVariableParameters(),

All registered Parameters Providers are executed in loop its results are stored in associative array which in result will be passed to the frontend.

Please keep in mind, that on this level of execution, parameters will be overridden each time, Parameter Provider returns a value with a key which already exist in the result array. By using Magento dependency injection mechanism Your Parameter Providers added from project level will be evaluated last, but If You want to add more than one, You need to maintain their order. In following example, if parameter arrays provided by CustomProviderFirst and CustomProviderSecond have an intersection, for given key, the value from CustomProviderSecond will be returned in a result

    <type name="Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Config\CommunicationParametersProvider">
            <argument name="parametersSource" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="first" xsi:type="object">YOUR_VENDOR\YOUR_MODULE\Model\Config\CustomProviderFirst</item>
                <item name="second" xsi:type="object">YOUR_VENDOR\YOUR_MODULE\Model\Config\CustomProviderSecond</item>

Adding custom product data provider

If You are in need to define new product types, and its data cannot be provided by any of existing Data Providers, You should create a custom Data Provider and map it to Your product type. This operation like previous are available via Magento DI mechanism. In your module DI add following xml code

    <type name="Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\DataProvider">
            <argument name="entityTypes" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="customProductType" xsi:type="string">YOUR_VENDOR\YOUR_MODULE\Model\Export\Catalog\ProductType\CustomDataProvider</item>
class CustomDataProvider implements DataProviderInterface
    /** @var Product */
    protected $product;

    public function __construct(Product $product)
        $this->product = $product;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function getEntities(): iterable
        // Your logic

It's a minimum configuration. $product constructor will be passed automatically and in method getEntities You should extract all required data

Configure field to be exported from variant

By default, module exports data from configurable product. Its variants override only few of fields which you can see in class:


This is done to provide the best performance but if you variants differs in some attributes other than configurable attributes (color, size etc.) You can configure which fields should be exported from variants. Use variantFields argument for that. Here is the example from module, where we want to export ImageURL from variants because some configurable attribute could have an impact on the how product looks (color is a good example).

<type name="Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\FieldProvider">
        <argument name="productFields" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="CategoryPath" xsi:type="object">Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\ProductField\CategoryPath</item>
            <item name="Brand" xsi:type="object">Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\ProductField\Brand</item>
            <item name="FilterAttributes" xsi:type="object">Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\ProductField\FilterAttributes</item>
        <argument name="variantFields" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="ImageURL" xsi:type="object">Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Catalog\ProductField\ProductImage</item>


Removing /pub from exported URLs

If the exported feed file contains URLs with pub/ added, most probably your document root is set to the /pub folder. In order to skip this part in URL, please add following entry to your project's env.php file:

'directories' => [
    'document_root_is_pub' => true


For more information, click here

You can also open a new issue if You spot a bug or just have an idea for module improvement To check currently opened issues here.


FACT-Finder® Web Components License. For more information see the LICENSE file.