The goal of this preset is to give you the most barebones install while maintaining as much compatibility for everything you probably care about. This preset is a good starting point for Gaming, Video editing, streaming, and much more!
🔴 Notes 🔴
▶ Scripts:
This is a file that contains tweaks to make Windows Explorer less bloated as well as removing the Home and Windows Update/Insider tabs in Windows 11's Settings. Can also be used on Windows 10. Should be placed to run BEFORE logon.
This file removes the Taskbar pin/component for DevHome and Outlook (New). Safe for both Windows 10 and 11. Should be placed to run AFTER logon.
▶ Windows 10: TBD
▶ Windows 11: TBD
▶ autounattended.xml:
This is the unattended file that I use to solo boot into Windows as Administrator (System) and set the time to USET.