This is the Objective-C library implementation for the EyeTribe Dev Kit. This reference implementation provides a Objective-C interface for communicating with the EyeTribe Server through the open EyeTribe API. The library allow developers to get started quickly and focus their efforts on creating truly immersive and innovative apps using our eye tracking technology.
This implementation is simple of nature and wraps the C++ SDK
The EyeTribe API reference is found at Eye Tribe Developer Website.
To compile this project, you need Xcode 5 or higher as well as Xcode command line tools. Both can be downloaded from the Apple Mac Devcenter.
The dependencies of the C++ SDK also applies to this Objective-C wrapper.
First, install Boost as explained in the C++ SDK build section.
Next, simply open the workspace file in Xcode and build the TETGazeApi scheme.
- Have questions or need support? Visit our developer forum, to find answers to your questions and share your experiences with others developers.
- Have a bug to report? Open a new issue and tell us what you are experiencing. Please add library version and full log if possible.
- Have a feature request? Either open a new issue or post in our developer forum. Tell us what feature you are missing and what it should do.
If you like using this library, please consider sending out a tweet mentioning @TheEyeTribe, announce your app in our developer forum, or email [email protected] to let us know.