This repository contains all the parts necessary to run the Flettner rotor case at Re=30,000.
It contains two different case files, one for the production run and one for the scaling and power measruements.
First, we clone this repo and decompress the mesh
git clone
gzip -d rot_cyl.nmsh.gz
Then, the executable needs to be compiled, for this part Neko needs to have been installed with the appropriate backend support. This can either be done thorugh spack, or manually. To compile it from source one needs to first clone the repo.
git clone -b v0.3.1
cd neko
The backend support is chosen when configuring. For CUDA:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/neko_install --with-cuda=/path/to/cuda
For HIP:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/neko_install --with-hip=/path/to/hip
For CPU:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/neko_install
Then make the install
make install -j32
Move to the root of this directory and execute
/path/to/neko_install/bin/makeneko rot_cyl.f90
this yields an executable neko
Please note that the case is quite large and requires around 2TB of RAM. The scaling tests can be run with
mpirun ./
If using srun instead, please change the commented line in
Power measruements for the GPUs are made with
mpirun ./
For AMD, switch nvidia-smi to rocm-smi in
To make recreate the simulation, you can run it according to:
mpirun ./
Please observe this will take considerable amounts of time, currently we write a restart file after 20h.