LifeToRemind is a website for career-oriented Personal Strategic Planning.
This repository contains the site demonstration made for the Course Completion Work 2 discipline of the University of Brasilia campus Gama (UnB - FGA).
Enjoy Hacktoberfest to do four Pull Requests and win your event t-shirt! ✌️🎉🙌
- Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS 64-bit
- RVM 1.29.8
- Ruby 2.5.5p157
- Rails 5.2.3
- PostgreSQL 9.5.17
In one terminal, clone the repository.
git clone
Open the project folder.
cd LifeToRemind
Install Ruby Version Manager (RVM) for application configuration.
Run the commands to set the correct version for the project.
rvm install 2.5.5
gem install rails -v 5.2.3
bundle install
Install Postgres to the application database.
Make the necessary migrations.
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
Run the project.
rails s
Open the browser at localhost:3000
To run the application tests.
To contribute to the project check the open issues. If what you want to improve or the problem you encounter is not already listed, create a new issue with a description of the problem. To contribute to the project send a Pull Request to the repository, it will be evaluated later.
Step 1 - Make a copy of the repository by clicking on the Fork tab.
Step 2 - Download the Life to Remind project created in your account.
git clone
Step 3 - Make changes to the code and upload it to your repository. Commits must be in English.
git add new_file.txt
git commit -m "Adding new file"
git push origin master
Step 4 - Enter your repository with the changes made and click to make the Pull Request.
Step 5 - Wait for your Pull Request to be approved and congratulations on becoming a contributor to the Life to Remind! Project!