Standalone server provided by Extremelyd1. Original docker container provided by maximalmax90
Dockerhub Repo:
Note: the latest tag allows you to update server files without recreating the container. Or you can use pre-build container with specific version (example: maximalmax90/hkmpserver:v2.2.3
You need to bind directory to container, if you want to edit and store settings in json-files.
Now you can manage the server through the hkmp command:
- Stop server:
hkmp exit
- Check for update:
hkmp check
- Update server:
hkmp update
- Post command to server console:
hkmp <command> [args]
full list of commands available here
docker run -d -it --name hkserver -e PORT=2222 -p 2222:2222/udp -v /localdir/:/HKMP/ maximalmax90/hkmpserver:latest
version: "2.1"
image: maximalmax90/hkmpserver:latest
container_name: hkserver
- PORT=2222 #if you need running server on custom port, PORT=2222 if variable PORT is empty
- /localdir:/HKMP
- "2222:2222/udp"
restart: always