Live Version:
Follow the project progress at: ETC Block Explorer Development
Clone the repo
git clone
Download Nodejs and npm if you don't have them
Install dependencies:
npm install
Install mongodb:
MacOS: brew install mongodb
Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
This will fetch and parse the entire blockchain.
Setup your configuration file: cp config.example.json config.json
Edit config.json
as you wish
Basic settings:
"nodeAddr": "localhost",
"gethPort": 8545,
"startBlock": 0,
"endBlock": "latest",
"quiet": true,
"syncAll": true,
"patch": true,
"patchBlocks": 100,
"settings": {
"symbol": "ETC",
"name": "Ethereum Classic",
"title": "Ethereum Classic Block Explorer",
"author": "Elaine"
Your node API RPC address.
Your node API RPC port.
This is the start block of the blockchain, should always be 0 if you want to sync the whole ETC blockchain.
This is usually the 'latest'/'newest' block in the blockchain, this value gets updated automatically, and will be used to patch missing blocks if the whole app goes down.
Suppress some messages. (admittedly still not quiet)
If this is set to true at the start of the app, the sync will start syncing all blocks from lastSync, and if lastSync is 0 it will start from whatever the endBlock or latest block in the blockchain is.
If set to true and below value is set, sync will iterated through the # of blocks specified.
If patch
is set to true, the amount of block specified will be check from the latest one.
The below will start both the web-gui and sync.js (which populates MongoDV with blocks/transactions).
npm start
You can leave sync.js running without app.js and it will sync and grab blocks based on config.json parameters
node ./tools/sync.js
Enabling stats requires running a separate process:
node ./tools/stats.js
You can configure intervals (how often a new data point is pulled) and range (how many blocks to go back) with the following:
RESCAN=1000:100000 node tools/stats.js
(New data point every 1,000 blocks. Go back 100,000 blocks).