A decoupled and light-weight starter kit template for ASP.NET core 2.2 and VueJS 2.6.
Includes custom property validator on server side, decoupled state management for Vuex
Webpack(Hot Module Replacement).
- ASP.NET Core 2.2
- Web API
- Custom property validator number string boolean datetime object
- Custom api routing, and exception
- Custom validation error result
- JWT authencation service configuration
- VueJS 2
- Vuex modular state management, store
- Webpack (Hot Module Replacement)
- Boostrap 4
- .NET Core 2.2
- VSCode
- NodeJS V11
- Server Command line:
- dotnet run or dotnet watch run
- Client Command line:
- npm install to install dependencies(once), npm run serve to run the application.
Ever tired of getting bugs yet too difficult to solve? Worry no more, create an issue (just make sure it isn’t an existing one) and i will do my best to fix it. Great ideas are welcome too; just make an issue with the Proposal or a PR from your Fork.
Looking for a asynchronous modular micro-framework Reser by RhaldKhein
Copyright (c) 2019 Joever Monceda
Linkedin: Joever Monceda
Medium: Joever Monceda
Twitter @_EthanHunt07
Facebook: Ethan Hunt