What's New?
Following are the major enhancements for this release:
- Redesigned the Harvester user interface
- Added support for THREDDS
- Added support for STAC (SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs)
- Enhanced CSW harvesting for more profiles and redirect of urls
- Enhanced database harvesting, added ability to create geometries/envelopes based on latitude and longitude in database tables
- Added ability to harvest content from a particular group within ArcGIS Online/Portal for ArcGIS in addition to a folder
- Enhanced ArcGIS harvesting to extract more information from ArcGIS Service Item Info into metadata
- Added more details to error report
- Added ability to harvest records into a collection
- Enhanced ability to extract metadata info from various file types (.docx, .xlsx, .pdf...) when harvesting files in WAF or UNC folders
- Updating JAVA and Spring Framework dependencies
- Upgrade to Esri JavaScript API 3.36