PowerBI 3D Visualizer
This custom visual for Power BI allows you to create interactive 3D plots using Plotly.
Before starting creating your first custom visual follow by this setting up environment instruction.
Once you have cloned this repository, run these commands to install dependencies and to connect the visual into powerbi.
npm install # This command will install all necessary modules
pbiviz start
- Order by an axis
- Check data validity
- Revert X, Y & Z axis
- Change the style of elements (line, scatter, line & scatter)
- Size and width of marker and line
- Display Labels and set up their position (middle, top, bottom)
- Display or hide the legend and its orientation (column, line)
- Fetch More Data: activate or not
- Removed Group field
- Use Plotly.JS
- 3 fields for coordinates: X Axis, Y Axis and Z Axis
- 2 fields to group the coordinates: Legend (one trace per legend) and Group that groups the linked legends
- Use of the fetchMoreData API to collect more data
- Lines ordered by increasing Z values