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Ex altiora et profundis, Ex elementis, vita, siderum, et hominibus

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@pbuttigieg pbuttigieg released this 18 Mar 16:29
· 1043 commits to master since this release

⚠️ As always, the new terms will be available after a few days as they percolate through the ether ⚠️

New editors!

We're happy to welcome Steven Chong and Mark Schildhauer as co-editors. Using our contribution guidelines, they'll be adding valuable cryosphere and carbon cycling terms to support their work with DataONE and related projects.

Remember, ENVO is a community resource - so please consider joining our editorial team or sending us a pull request from time to time!

Eponyms for this release

Ex Altiora (from the heights)

xref to The Magnus Archives

water-based cloud
high-elevation mountain

Ex Profundis (from the depths)

Bathymodiolus-dominated oceanic mussel bed
water ice core

Ex Elementis (from the elements)

fire whirl
multiple vortex tornado
liquid astronomical body part

Ex vita (from life)

cloud forest
silvagenitus cloud

Ex Siderum (from the stars)

astronomical observatory system
X-ray radiation
visible spectrum radiation

Ex Hominibus (from humankind)

public prision
land use process
anthropogenic ecosystem conversion process


In this long overdue release, a wide range of classes have been added in aid of ENVO's mission to support community requests and to provide a semantic brokering layer between classification standards in the Earth and environmental sciences. Highlights include:

  • Aligning with SWEET over the cryosphere: Monthly Cryohackathons based around Ruth Duerr's extensive work on the Global Cryosphere Watch's vocabularies (and many related vocabularies) have pushed forward ENVO's alignment with ESIP's SWEET resource, using expert input on the cryosphere to do so. We'll soon complete this as a model for future thematic and expert-led semantic alignment.
  • WMO cloud classification: Cloud genera have been added to bolster ENVO's atmospheric content. A range of qualities are now needed to fully axiomatise their morphologies and other characteristics.
  • CMECS: Ongoing work to express the very detailed and comprehensive Coastal and Marine Classification Standard has yielded some interesting examples, merging organismal taxonomy with geoforms and tightening up semantics around stratified water masses
  • Global Ocean Observing System's (GOOS) Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs): Working with UNESCO/IOC, we'll be creating classes for the EOVs, such as sea state, for semantic qualification of GOOS EOV specification sheets and data resources. This work also supports our integration with the UNESCO/IOC-IODE system.
  • Land use processes: An important request from our friends over at Nature Scientific Data led to the initialisation of a land use hierarchy. This is highly extensible and we'll be coordinating this with UN Environment's Sustainable Development Goals Interface Ontology (SDGIO) in the near future.
  • UNEP WCMC's mountain classification: Another valuable user request and follow-up with UNEP-WCMC resulted in a semantic expression of their new standard for mountain classification. We'll continue to weave this in to ENVO's elevation semantics in each release.

Known issues

  • Semantic handling of zones: The need for and usage of BFO:site in representing environmental zones is an ongoing discussion which may take some time to stabilise. Classes are unlikely to be removed en mass, but they may jump between material and immaterial hierarchies until a policy is formed.
  • Orphan classes: At the top level of the onotology, a few orphan classes from FOODON and PO may appear in the release and editors' version. This is likely an import artifact and has no known effects on reasoning. We'll try to root these out in the next release.

New Terms

abyssal clay
accumulation of matter on aerosolised particles
active agri-ecosystem management process
aerosolisation of dust
agricultural land conversion process
alpine tundra biome
altocumulus castellanus cloud
altocumulus cloud
altostratus cloud
anchored ice calf
anthropogenic ecosystem conversion process
anthropogenic generation of energy
anthropogenic light pollution
area of attached faunal communities
area of attached Modiolus assemblages
area of attached mussel assemblages
area of drift ice
area of pack ice
area of sea ice
area of seasonal sea ice
astronomical observatory system
atmospheric aerosolisation of dust
atmospheric observatory system
Bathymodiolus gill tissue material
Bathymodiolus-dominated oceanic mussel bed
Bathymodiolus-dominated oceanic mussel bed
Bathymodiolus-dominated oceanic mussel reef
benthic deep-sea mining
bitumous coal
body of liquid
branched valley glacier
Calyptra habitat
carbonate system of ocean water
chemical energy
chromodynamic energy
cirrocumulus castellanus cloud
cirrocumulus cloud
cirrostratus cloud
cirrostratus fibratus cloud
cirrus castellanus cloud
cirrus fibratus cloud
cirrus spissatus cloud
cirrus uncinus cloud
cloud forest
coal mining
coal power plant
colloidal suspension
congelation ice in a fresh water body
congelation sea ice
cumulonimbus cloud
cumulus cloud
dioxygen dissolved in marine water
domestic building
drift ice mass
drifting sea ice mass
ecological province
elastic energy
electric energy
fast ice
fire whirl
flattened elevation
flaw lead
floating ice calf
fluid astronomical body part
forest floor
fossil fuel power plant
freezing of water into water ice
freshwater congelation ice
freshwater ice
friable-frozen soil
frost heave
frost heaving process
frost-formed hummock
frozen land
frozen lead
frozen soil
gamma-ray radiation
gas power station
gaseous astronomical body part
generation of energy from coal
generation of energy from oil
geothermal energy
gill tissue material
glacial surface layer velocity
glacial surface layer
glacier ice field
glacier snout
gravitational energy
hard-frozen soil
haze formation event
haze formation process
high-elevation mountain
homogenitus cloud
homomutatus cloud
hydrocarbon-based environmental material
ice calf
ice cave congelation ice
ice lead
ice surface layer
infrared radiation
inorganic macronutrient dissolved in ocean water
intertidal ecosystem
ionization energy
ionizing radiation
kinetic energy
laboratory environment
laboratory facility
land conversion process
land ice mass
land use process
lignite power plant
liquid astronomical body part
magnetic energy
marine bed
marine faunal bed
marine mining
marine observatory system
mass ice flow
material congelation process
mechanical wave energy
microwave radiation
mid-elevation mountain
mixed potential and kinetic energy
multiple vortex tornado
mussel bed
mussel gill tissue material
mussel reef
neritic mussel bed
neritic mussel reef
nimbostratus cloud
nuclear energy
observatory system
observing system
ocean thermal power station
oceanic mussel bed
oceanic mussel reef
omics observatory system
opencast mining
oxygen cycling
pack ice mass
permafrost congelation ice
planned deforestation
planned environmental usage process
plastic-frozen soil
polar mountain
potential energy
protected area
public prision
radiant energy
radiation from a manufactured product
radio wave radiation
rest energy
satellite imaging of a planet
satellite imaging
sea bed mining
sea ice field
sea ice hummock
sea ice mass
sea ice variability
sea state
sea surface height
sea surface layer
sea-ice lead
shore lead
silvagenitus cloud
simple valley glacier
solar power station
sound wave energy
stellar radiation energy
stratocumulus castellanus cloud
stratocumulus cloud
stratus cloud
sub-bitumous coal
surface layer of a water body
surface of an astronomical body
tabular iceberg
temperate mountain
temperature of sea surface
terrestrial ecoregion
terrestrial ice calf
terrestrial mining
terrestrial mountain
terrestrial observatory system
thermal energy
thermokarst formation process
tidal power plant
tributary glacier
tropical mountain
two-dimensional fiat ice surface
two-dimensional fiat water ice surface
ultraviolet radiation
UNEP-WCMC class 1 mountain
UNEP-WCMC class 2 mountain
UNEP-WCMC class 3 mountain
UNEP-WCMC class 4 mountain
UNEP-WCMC class 5 mountain
UNEP-WCMC class 6 mountain
UNEP-WCMC class 7 mountain
usage of an environment for business
usage of an environment for community and social services
usage of an environment for defence
usage of an environment for industry
usage of an environment for infrastructure and utilities
usage of an environment for recreation
usage of an environment for residential activity
usage of an environment for retail activity
usage of an environment for transportation
visible spectrum radiation from a manufactured product
visible spectrum radiation
water ice core
water ice surface layer
water-based cloud
water-based rain
water-body-derived ice
wind wave energy
X-ray radiation