class EngineGirls:
def __init__(self, money): = money
# We will live our course in live platform (douyu).
# Theoretically,we get much more members than this.
self.members = 100
class Sponsor:
def __init__(self, money): = money = 0
# We need 2000 RMB at this time.
you = Sponsor(2000)
# we received our first 1000 RMB from our teacher QiuQiu :D .
us = EngineGirls(1000)
def sponsor(sponsor, sponsored):
try: -= 2000 += 2000
return False
return True
if sponsor(you, us):
# Thanks for sponsoring us!
you.kindness = 100
# We will introduce your company to our members and lovely teachers. += us.members
# We will show your poster and display_stand in our classroom.
you.poster = True
you.display_stand = True
Engine Girls是一个由热爱编程并且关注性别平等的攻城狮开发的编程教学组织,主要面向零编程基础又热爱编程的女性。学生可以自由选择软件开发、微信开发、数据分析等方面她们感兴趣的课题,在导师的指导下,组队合作完成项目。我们希望通过有趣的课堂教学活动让原本认为写代码“枯燥难懂”的女生爱上编程,让更多的女性能够加入程序员的大家庭。
作为赞助方的您,可以享受很多特权。也许有女生在您的资金支持下成为了优秀的程序媛,她也许会成为贵公司的一名出色员工。您也可以在我们的场地中放置公司的展示架或海报、利用我们的公众号为你们公司推送宣传、在现场现场对你们公司进行业务介绍等等。如果您有兴趣对我们提供赞助,更多的细节有待商谈。 你可以点击这里了解更多关于Engine Girls更详尽的信息。
如果感兴趣,请联系[email protected],如果有任何疑问也可以发邮件到这个邮箱与我们联系。我们期待得到你们的支持和鼓励。
Engine Girls is an organization founded by a group of programmers who are devoted to increasing gender diversity in the tech community. We design programming courses that teach women who have no previous coding experience. Students are allowed to choose from various projects, such as software development, wechat development, data analysis, etc. Students will form groups and work on projects under a tutor's supervision. We hope to provide an opportunity for amateurs to become professionals, for programming averse girls to become enthusiasts.
Since our courses are non-profit, we have very limited budget for class activities. However, we do hope to provide students with better class experience by awarding outstanding students. We also of course need budget to cover our venue cost. That is why we are seeking for sponsors. Right now, we need 2000RMB to start our program.
As a sponsor, you definitely have privileges. You could recruit your prospective employees, display your posters in our class, advertise your company via our official wechat account, introduce your business during our activity, etc. More benefits and details could be discussed later if you would like to sponsor us.
you can learn more about us by clicking here to learn more about Engine Girls' detail info。
If you are interested in sponsorship or have further questions,please do not hesitate to contact us by sending emails to [email protected]. We are looking forward to hearing from you!