A modern Fastify plugin with support for Typescript, ES6/commonJS module, to connect to a MongoDB instance via the Mongoose ODM
Fastify-mongoose-plugin is a rewrite from scratch of fastify-mongoose/fastify-mongoose-driver which seems not more mantained.
It's is full compatible with fastify-mongoose-driver (see below how to upgrade your project if you are this) but add some modern features:
- Support for Typescript (fastify-mongoose-plugin is wrote in typescript)
- Support for ES6 module
- Support for commonJS module
option to define models in separate files.
npm i fastify-mongoose-plugin -s
// ...Other Plugins
import mongoosePlugin, { decorator } from "fastify-mongoose-plugin"
uri: "mongodb://admin:pass@localhost:27017/database_name",
models: [
name: "posts",
alias: "Post",
schema: {
title: {
type: String,
required: true,
content: {
type: String,
required: true,
// We can add references to other Schemas like-so
author: {
type: "ObjectId",
ref: "Account",
validateExistance: true,
// We can also add schema configurable options
options: {
timestamps: true,
name: "accounts",
alias: "Account",
schema: {
username: {
type: String,
password: {
type: String,
select: false,
required: true,
email: {
type: String,
unique: true,
required: true,
validate: {
validator: (v) => {
// Super simple email regex: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4964763/7028187
return /^.+@.{2,}\..{2,}$/.test(v);
message: (props) => `${props.value} is not a valid email!`,
createdAtUTC: {
type: Date,
required: true,
virtualize: (schema) => {
schema.virtual("posts", {
ref: "Post",
localKey: "_id",
foreignKey: "author",
useNameAndAlias: true,
modelDirPath: path.resolve("..."), // will be merged with models
(err) => {
if (err) throw err;
fastify.get("/", (request, reply) => {
console.log(fastify.mongoose.instance); // Mongoose ODM instance
console.log(fastify.mongoose.Account); // Any models declared are available here
decorator(); // Returns the decorator pointer, useful for using mongoose in seperate files
Option | Description |
uri |
Required, the Unique Resource Identifier to use when connecting to the Database. |
settings |
Optional, the settings to be passed on to the MongoDB Driver as well as the Mongoose-specific options. Refer here for further info. |
models |
Optional, any models to be declared and injected under fastify.mongoose |
useNameAndAlias |
Optional, declares models using mongoose.model(alias, schema, name) instead of mongoose.model(name, schema) |
modelDirPath |
Optional, directory where it's possible to define models in separate files. The directory will be trasverse includes all subdirectories. Scan only files with .js extension. |
Any models declared should follow the following format:
name: "profiles", // Required, should match name of model in database
alias: "Profile", // Optional, an alias to inject the model as
schema: schemaDefinition, // Required, should match schema of model in database,
options: schemaOptions, // Optional, schema configurable options
class: classDefinition // Optional, should be an ES6 class wrapper for the model
or, if definitions are splitted in separate files using modelDirPath
// modelDirPath/profile.js
export default {
The schemaDefinition
variable should be created according to the Mongoose Model Specification.
The schemaOptions
variable should be created according to the Mongoose Model Options Specification.
The classDefinition
variable should be created according to the Mongoose Class Specification.
- Replace with fastify-mongoose-plugin in you package.json
pnpm rm fastify-mongoose-driver
pnpm install fastify-mongoose-plugin -s
- in your plugins files where fastify-mongoose-driver was used
import mongoose from 'fastify-mongoose-driver' // delete this
import mongoose from 'fastify-mongoose-plugin' // replace with
If used
, remove.plugin
. -
If used in plugin settings:
- remove
useCreateIndex: true
because is default from Mongoose 6 and is removed in Mongoose 8 - remove
useNewUrlParser: true
anduseUnifiedTopology: true
because is default from Mongoose 6 and is marked as deprecated in Mongoose 8
- remove
Optional: Convert your library to ES6 :-)
Create a config file in configs/db/db.config.ts
like this
import { dirname } from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
export default {
uri: 'mongodb://username:password@host:27017/db',
modelDirPath: __dirname + "/schemas"
load config via plugin folder plugins/config.ts
import config from '../configs/app.config.js';
import fp from 'fastify-plugin';
export default fp(
async app => {
app.decorate('config', config);
app.ready(err => {
if (err) throw err;
name: 'config'
load mongoose via plugin folder plugins/mongoose.ts
import type { TFMPOptions } from 'fastify-mongoose-plugin';
import config from '../configs/db/db.config.js';
import mongoose from 'fastify-mongoose-plugin';
import fp from 'fastify-plugin';
export default fp<TFMPOptions>(
async app => {
app.register(mongoose, {
uri: config.uri,
modelDirPath: config.modelDirPath
}).after(err => {
if (err) throw err;
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
name: 'mongoose',
dependencies: ['config']
Inside configs/db/schemas
put db schemas, like this test.ts
import type { TFMPModel } from 'fastify-mongoose-plugin';
const schema: TFMPModel = {
name: "test",
options: {
timestamps: true, // add createdAt and updatedAt fields
versionKey: false, // remove __v field
schema: {
name: { type: 'String', required: true },
age: { type: 'Number', required: true },
address: { type: 'String' },
createdAt: { type: 'Date', default: Date.now },
updatedAt: { type: 'Date', default: Date.now },
export default schema;
Now you can use fastify.mongoose.Test
as a Mongoose Model to test collection.
As an example, this a REST like entries
import { FastifyInstance, FastifyRequest } from "fastify";
type RequestId = { Params: { id: string } };
type RequestBody = {
Body: {
name: string,
age: number,
address: string
const page = async (app: FastifyInstance) => {
app.get('/test', async function () {
const Test = app.mongoose.Test;
if (!Test) { return 'Test is not defined'; }
const test = await Test.find();
return test;
app.post('/test', async function (request: FastifyRequest<RequestBody>) {
const Test = app.mongoose.Test;
if (!Test) { return 'Test is not defined'; }
const test = new Test(request.body);
return test.save();
app.get('/test/:id', async function (request: FastifyRequest<RequestId>) {
const Test = app.mongoose.Test;
if (!Test) { return 'Test is not defined'; }
const test = await Test.findById(request.params.id);
return test;
app.put('/test/:id', async function (request: FastifyRequest<RequestBody & RequestId>) {
const Test = app.mongoose.Test;
if (!Test) { return 'Test is not defined'; }
const test = await Test.findByIdAndUpdate(request.params.id, request.body);
return test;
app.delete('/test/:id', async function (request: FastifyRequest<RequestId>) {
const Test = app.mongoose.Test;
if (!Test) { return 'Test is not defined'; }
const test = await Test.findByIdAndDelete(request.params.id);
return test;
app.get('/test/name/:name', async function (request: FastifyRequest<{ Params: { name: string } }>) {
const Test = app.mongoose.Test;
if (!Test) { return 'Test is not defined'; }
const test = await Test.find({ name: request.params.name });
return test;
app.get('/test/age/:age', async function (request: FastifyRequest<{ Params: { age: number } }>) {
const Test = app.mongoose.Test;
if (!Test) { return 'Test is not defined'; }
const test = await Test.find({ age: request.params.age });
return test;
export default page;
But remember, for automatic REST Api there is fastify-mongoose-api
This module supports both ESM and CommonJS. If you are using CommonJS, you can import it like so:
const mongoosePlugin = require('fastify-mongoose-plugin');
For feature requests or help, please visit the discussions page on GitHub.
For bug reports, please file an issue on the issues page on GitHub.
Contributions welcome! Please open a pull request on GitHub with your changes. You can run them by me first on the discussions page if you'd like. Please add tests for any changes.
Original JS code Alex Papageorgiou
Licensed under APACHE 2.0