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Vue-material intends to build Materialize(0.97.2+) with pure Vue.js(1.0.0+) ,which let users get rid of depending on 3rd Javascript libraries ,such as Materialize.js and Jquery.js(with plugins).In addition,I hope that you will construct a material design website easier with vue-material.
Still Under Building
Chrome 35+, Firefox 31+, Safari 7+, IE 10+
This project doesn't belong to Materialize. I'd like to thank Alan Chang for permitting me to use their Logo for this project. :)
Download Materializecss and Vue.js(1.0.0+)
npm install vue-material
import Vue from 'vue';
import Material from 'vue-material';
//Globally register all of the components;
//Globally register the components that you need