🤚 I'm a competitive programmer at codeforces
🏆 2x ACPC Finalist
👨💻 I would like to work with (React or Angular)
The most important step of all is the first step. Start something.
— Blake Mycoskie
Landing Page is a static page with themes (darck and light) ) that describe Best Mobile App For Your Business
This project create a machine learning model which will predict if the new incoming customer review is positive or negative, we will use amazon’s food review dataset available
Portfolio page it's a static page that decribe an portfolio with unreal data. it's contains many important sections like experiance, education, etc..
It's a simple try to make udemy website with ReactJs. This project have two pages similar to pages of the udemy website (home page) and (single course page).
JavaScript 1
We take from every person his fingerprint and store it with his information, and this person get card with a QR code in it (optional), which when we scan the fingerprint, it provides a lot of detai…
A hospital management system, made using object oriented programming and file handling in C++.