Project given to me by my teacher Jean-César Bazin aiming at illustrating the concept of microservices. Thus, this app contains multiple Maven microservices which all work together :
is the web interface for CRUD actions on mock patient information and medical consultation notes.Mediscreenbackend
is the MySQL back-end for all fields except notesMediscreen-notes
is the NoSQL MongoDB back-end persisting notes relating to each and every patient. For the application to function at a basic level, it requiresbackend
containers, along with a (optionally also containerized) MySQL database to be running. Thenotes
microservice not running is non-blocking, to illustrate one of the strong parts of microservice architecture.
The docker-compose file contains some MySQL login data, however none of it (even in old commits) is sensitive, as such feel free to create a same user or simply change the values to those of your MySQL instance if you are to install this.