I am using Ros2 humble which is not fully supported by the main BT.cpp and BT.ROS as they are for older versions, this is the reason I have taken from branches of them both and brought them into the repository.
The only folders that you really need to be concerned with are in bt_ros_tests
and BehaviorTree.ROS2-humble
files, the BT.cpp should not be touched
Within those files I am only really working with the services for now, so inside BehaviorTree.ROS2-humble/include/behaviortree_ros2
is the bt_service_node.hpp
. This could potentially be the place for error, as well as in bt_ros_tests/src/bt_ros_test.cpp
The plugin adding_service.cpp
can also be cause for concern for the issue
I have a feeling the issue is with how I am passing my clients through into the service node however I haven't been able to confirm that.
apologies if this code is quite alot of filler.
I am using colcon build to build my ros2 packages, colcon build --packages-select behaviortree_ros2 behaviortree_cpp bt_ros_tests --symlink-install
You may need to install some dependencies such as the example_interfaces and std_msgs if not already.
this will need two terminals
- one to launch the servers
ros2 launch bt_ros_tests bt_drivers.launch.py
- one to run the bt tree
ros2 run bt_ros_tests bt_ros_tests
- you will need to change the path location for you main_tree inside
- The main tree is found in the trees folder named main.xml
If you need to have a look at what behavior trees do: