A simple way to save the configurations/settings of a C# app as a json file.
The json file(s) is saved in AppData/Local/{YourAppName} and there is currently no way to change that.
If you have any questions or suggestions you can post them in the discussions section.
Before we start, install the package from NuGet.
This package uses Newtonsoft.Json and the idea is to make a class that's going to be used as the model for the configuration file.
Make a class that inherits from ConfigsTools. This class is the model for your configurations file, so it details how the json file is going to look like. Model example:
class AppConfigs : ConfigsTools
public AppConfigs()
ImportantStuff = new List<ImportantThing>();
// This attribute is for Newtonsoft.Json and isn't needed but recommended
[JsonProperty("activated", Required = Required.AllowNull)]
public bool Activated { get; set; }
[JsonProperty("randomString", Required = Required.Default)]
public string RandomString { get; set; }
[JsonProperty("importantStuff", Required = Required.AllowNull)]
public List<ImportantThing> ImportantStuff { get; set; }
// You can add methods that you can use after loading the config file
public void ChangeFirstThing()
ImportantStuff[0].OwnerName = "Slim Shady";
Pretty much anything supported by Newtonsoft.Json and is serializable can be used in this model. You can of course make multiple models to have multiple configurations files. By default the name of the json file is the name of model/class.
// Get the current app configurations from the json configurations file.
AppConfigs appConfigs = ConfigsTools.GetConfigs<AppConfigs>();
// Get a value from the configurations file.
bool appConfigActivated = appConfigs.Activated;
// Change a value.
appConfigs.RandomString = "this text is going to be saved in the json file";
// Add an object to a list.
appConfigs.ImportantStuff.Add(new ImportantThing("Elias Youssef"));
// Use a method that is inside the model
// Save the file.
"activated": false,
"randomString": "this text is going to be saved in the json file",
"importantStuff": [
"OwnerName": "Slim Shady"
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