Written in 2018 by Eliah Kagan <[email protected]>. Documentation added in 2021.
To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
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This small C# program (written as a LINQPad query) implements Shellsort with a
few different gap sequences, and two implementation techniques (the usual
“hard-coded” approach, and by insertion-sorting a GapView
abstraction of the input).
The gap sequences implemented are currently Hibbard 1963, Pratt 3-smooth, and Tokuda 1992.
These are benchmarked, together with insertion sort (for small sizes), heapsort, quicksort (with Lomuto partitioning), and the framework-provided introsort, for comparison.
See also Sorts, a C++ program that is similar to this, but with more gap sequences and more other sorting algorithms, and with commented citations and explanations of the gap sequences.