#Homework 2
##Description This is a OOP-oriented project of Room Access System of Innopolis University ##Dependencies
- STL14 ##Run instructions
- run main.cpp
- follow given instructions
- Keep in mind that for access operations you should input indexes of rooms and users at the same time to perform Access Rights changingoperations - input real number of a room and index of a user.
###Small adition:
- All users can access roms according to their level
- Admins can access any room -Admin can open any room for anybody or change AccessType(For exmpl change Director access level to GREEN, because he was fired and he works as Professor now)
- Having Garant from admin to any room means that this is your personal room
##Code Description: ###main.cpp
- getAccess - checks Access permisison of user that have Admin garants
- parsebyPROBEL - parses sentences by spaces
- parserFormTxt - gets data from txt database to Vector strucutre
- generateRooms - generates University rooms ###Room.h
- class Room
- Room(string) - constructor
- bool getAccess(AccessType) - getting of Access for users without admin garant
- string getNumber(); getting - of Room number
- string getRoomType(); - returns Type of Room
- AccessType getAccessType(); - returns needed level of access ####Child Classes of Room
- class ClassRoom
- class LectureRoom
- class ConferenceRoom
- class Cabinet
- class DirectorCabinet ###User.h
- class User
- User(const pair<string, string>&, const string&, const string, const string) - custom sonstructor
- User() - base constructor
- AccessType getAccess() - tries to get access in room without admin garants
- pair<string, string> getInitials() - returns pair<Name, Surname> od a User
- pair<AccessType, bool> changeGlobalAccess(AccessType, AccessType) - Special Function for Admin users thats provide the an access to protected fields of Users to change their permissions
- bool changeRoomAccess(AccessType, Room*) - Special Function for Admin users to open specific rooms for specific users
- bool comeIn(Room&) - checks Access permisiions with respect to 2 parametres (AccessType, admin garant)
- string toString(AccessType) - parses enum AccessType
- string getUserType() - returns type of a child instance ####Child Classes of User
- class Student
- class Professor
- class LabStuff
- class Director
- class Admin