Management system for Vehicle Protection Associations. The system offers a variety of features to make management easier, including:
- Member Registration: Ability to record detailed information about association members such as name, address, type of membership, and more.
- Vehicle management: Functionality to add, edit and delete information about associated vehicles, such as make, model, license plate, year of manufacture, etc.
- Membership Renewal: Automation of the membership renewal process, including automatic notifications about due dates and payment options.
- Access Control: Ability to restrict access to certain system resources based on defined permission levels.
- Event registration: Registration of important events related to members and vehicles, such as accidents, maintenance, traffic fines, among others.
- Reporting and analysis: Generation of detailed reports on various metrics, such as number of members, fleet composition, revenue and expenses, among others.
Web app it was developed in Vue, Electron for desktop application, MaterialUI and SASS for styles and Axios to consume endpoints.
The back-end was developed using Express and TypeScript, Prisma as an ORM linked to a MySQL connection.
It is possible to run the application with Docker containers, so it is essential to have them installed.
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