creating a rigirious, recursive model for predicting house price using Ames housing database
House price is a critical subject for many people no matter if they are homeowners or not. Predicting the sale price is not a trivial subject since several factors are in play! Home features such as age, lot fit, location are among the tens of those that control the price. However, understanding and disentangling these features and their impact on the price is required rigorous statistical modeling. In this project, I used the housing market's detailed information from Ames, Iowa from 2006 to 2010 in order to build a statistical model. more than 50 house features are used in this model. The main objective is to infer the correlation between these features and predict the sale price
- readme
__ 01_Training_Dataset_Data_Cleaning_Feature_Engineering.ipynb
__ 02_Test_Dataset_Data_Cleaning_Feature_Engineering.ipynb
__ 03_Exploratory_Data_Analysis.ipynb
__ 04_Linear_Regression_Model.ipynb
__ 05_Linear_Regression_Model_with_Polynomial_Interactions.ipynb
__ 06_Rige_Regularization_Model.ipynb
__ 07_Lasso_Regularization_Model.ipynb
__ 08_Elastic_Net_Regularization_Model.ipynb
__ data
__ test.csv
__ test_df_cleaned.csv
__ train.csv
__ train_df_cleaned.csv
feature name | data type | Definition |
Identity | -- | -- |
Id | int | identification number |
MS SubClass | int | dwelling type id |
MS Zoning | int | general zoning id |
Lot Frontage | float | linear feet street |
Lot Area | float | lot size sft |
Property Access | -- | -- |
Street | object | type road access |
Alley | object | type alley access |
Lot Shape | object | general shape |
Land Contour | object | flatness |
Utilities | object | type utilities |
Lot Config | object | lot configuration |
Land Slope | object | slope |
Property Location | -- | -- |
Neighborhood | object | physical locations |
Condition 1 | object | Proximity to various conditions |
Condition 2 | object | Proximity to various conditions (if more than one is present) |
Classification Style | -- | -- |
Bldg Type | object | type dwelling |
House Style | object | style dwelling |
Condition | -- | -- |
Overall Qual | object | rates overall material |
Roof Style | object | type roof |
Roof Matl | object | roof material |
Exterior 1st | object | exterior covering |
Exterior 2nd | object | exterior covering extra |
Mas Vnr Type | object | masonry veneer type |
Mas Vnr Area | object | masonry veneer area sft |
Exter Qual | object | evaluates material exterior |
Exter Cond | object | evaluates cond material exterior |
Foundation | object | type foundation |
Bsmt Qual | object | evaluates height basement |
Bsmt Cond | object | evaluates general basement |
Bsmt Exposure | object | walkout or garden level walls |
BsmtFin Type 1 | object | rating basement finished area 1 |
BsmtFin SF 1 | float | type 1 finished sft |
BsmtFin Type 2 | object | rating basement finished area 2 |
BsmtFin SF 2 | float | type 2 finished sft |
Bsmt Unf SF | float | unfinished sft basement area |
Total Bsmt SF | float | total sft basement area |
Heating | object | type heating |
Heating QC | object | heating quality and condition |
Central Air | object | central air conditioning |
Electrical | object | electrical system |
1st Flr SF | float | first floor sft |
2nd Flr SF | float | second floor sft |
Low Qual Fin SF | object | low quality finished sft |
Gr Liv Area | object | grade living area sft |
Bsmt Full Bath | object | basement full bathrooms |
Bsmt Half Bath | object | basement half bathrooms |
Full Bath | object | full bathrooms above grade |
Half Bath | object | half baths above grade |
Bedroom AbvGr | object | bedrooms above grade |
Kitchen AbvGr | object | kitchens above grade |
Kitchen Qual | object | kitchen quality |
TotRms AbvGrd | object | total rooms above grade |
Functional | object | home functionality |
Fireplaces | object | number fireplaces |
Fireplace Qu | object | fireplace quality |
Garage Type | object | garage location |
Garage Yr Blt | object | year garage was built |
Garage Finish | object | interior finish garage |
Garage Cars | object | size garage in car capacity |
Garage Area | object | size garage in sft |
Garage Qual | object | garage quality |
Garage Cond | object | garage condition |
Paved Drive | object | paved driveway |
Wood Deck SF | float | wood deck area sft |
Open Porch SF | float | open porch area sft |
Enclosed Porch | object | enclosed porch area sft |
3Ssn Porch | object | three season porch area sft |
Screen Porch | object | screen porch area sft |
Pool Area | object | pool area sft |
Pool QC | object | pool quality |
Fence | object | fence quality |
Misc Feature | object | miscellaneous feature |
Misc Val | object | value miscellaneous feature |
Age/Build year | -- | -- |
Year Built | object | original construction date |
Year Remod/Add | object | remodel date |
Mo Sold | object | month sold |
Yr Sold | object | year sold |
Sale | -- | -- |
Sale Type | object | type sale |
SalePrice | float | sale price |
below, a rough outline of the workflow utilized for the duration of this project is illustrated in the following:
Data, Cleaning
Data pre-processing is an important step in data science that includes identifying the incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate, irrelevant, or missing parts of the data and then modifying, replacing, or deleting them according to the necessity [2]. The Ames dataset consists of two training and test dataset. All features of these datasets are categorized as follow: Features with continuous numeric values: such as 'Lot Frontage'
- Categorical features with string objects: such as 'Lot Shape', 'Neighborhood'
Categorical features with numeric values: such as 'Overall Qual'
Quality features with string objects in a range of poor to Excellent
Features with potential for engineering: such as 'Year Build' and 'Yr Sold' which were employed to calculate a new feature 'Age'.
In the next step, null values in each feature column were identified, and then they were replaced with the column mean, mode, and NA (e.g, Not Available) values. All features were plotted as well using matplitlib and seaborn packages in order to find outliers. Those outliers were then removed from the training data.
The processed training data were group into two categories based on their Pearson correlation coefficient with the target feature (i.e., Sale Price
) as follows:
- Features with the lowest correlation with SalePrice
- Features with the highest correlation with SalePrice
Some of these features were utilized in modeling in order to infer and predict the SalePrice
Features with the most positive/negative correlation were used to construct different models using the following approaches:
- Linear Regression:
- Linear Regression with Polynomial Features:
- Ridge regeneralization model:
- Lasso regeneralization model:
- Elastic Net Model:
The following table depicts the strength of each modeling method in inferring the sale prices. Linear regression and generalization models (e.g., Ridge, Lasso) in general require a large number of features. In contrast, the Linear Regression modeling approach with polynomial interaction features could have the same prediction power but with fewer features. Implementing these regression methods, above 90% of the Ames housing sale price is predicted.
[1] Dean De Cock "Ames, Iowa: Alternative to the Boston Housing Data as an End of Semester Regression Project", Journal of Statistics Education, Volume 19, Number 3(2011)
[2] What is Data Cleaning? How to Process Data for Analytics and Machine Learning Modeling? (