SCION provides an implementation of the W3C SCXML draft specification in JavaScript. SCXML provides a declarative markup for Statecharts, a powerful modelling language for developing complex, timed, event-driven, state-based systems, and can offer elegant solutions to many problems faced in development of JavaScript-based applications across various domains. In the browser, SCION can be used to facilitate the development of rich, web-based user interfaces with complex behavioural requirements. On the server, SCION can be used to manage asynchronous control flow.
Here are some reasons you might choose to use SCION:
- Liberally licensed (Apache 2.0)
- Standards-based (SCXML)
- Small: Only 8kb minified and gzipped.
- Robust: automatically tested using a custom testing framework for SCXML implementations, and uses travis-ci for continuous integration:
- Maximally portable across JavaScript environments: works well in IE6+, modern browsers, node.js, rhino, and various JavaScript shells.
- Easy to learn and use: now with a simple, unified API for Rhino, Node.js and the browser.
- Aggressively optimized for performance, memory usage and payload size. More information on this will be forthcoming.
Let's start with the simple example of drag-and-drop behaviour in the browser. An entity that can be dragged has two states: idle and dragging. If the entity is in an idle state, and it receives a mousedown event, then it starts dragging. While dragging, if it receives a mousemove event, then it changes its position. Also while dragging, when it receives a mouseup event, it returns to the idle state.
This natural-language description of behaviour can be described using the following simple state machine:
This state machine could be written in SCXML as follows:
<state id="idle">
<transition event="mousedown" target="dragging"/>
<state id="dragging">
<transition event="mouseup" target="idle"/>
<transition event="mousemove" target="dragging"/>
One can add action code in order to script an HTML DOM element, so as to change its position on mousemove events:
<data id="firstEvent"/>
<data id="eventStamp"/>
<data id="rectNode"/>
<data id="rectX"/>
<data id="rectY"/>
<state id="initial-default">
<transition event="init" target="idle">
<assign location="rectNode" expr=""/>
<assign location="rectX" expr="0"/>
<assign location="rectY" expr="0"/>
<state id="idle">
<transition event="mousedown" target="dragging">
<assign location="firstEvent" expr=""/>
<assign location="eventStamp" expr=""/>
<state id="dragging">
<transition event="mouseup" target="idle"/>
<transition event="mousemove" target="dragging">
var dx = eventStamp.clientX -;
var dy = eventStamp.clientY -;
//note that rectNode, rectX and rectY are all exposed
//from the datamodel as local variables = rectX -= dx; = rectY -= dy;
<assign location="eventStamp" expr=""/>
There are then 4 steps that must be performed to go from an SCXML document to a working state machine instance that is consuming DOM events and scripting web content:
- Get the SCXML document, and convert it to a SCXML "model" object for easier interpretation.
- Use the SCXML model object to instantiate the SCXML interpreter.
- Connect relevant event listeners to the SCXML interpreter.
- Call the
method on the SCXML interpreter to start execution of the statechart.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
var scion = require('scion');
var rect = document.getElementById("rect");
//convert to model
if(err) throw err;
//instantiate the interpreter
var interpreter = new scion.SCXML(model);
//start the interpreter
//send the init event
function handleEvent(e){
interpreter.gen({name : e.type,data: e});
//connect all relevant event listeners
$(document.documentElement).bind("mouseup mousemove",handleEvent);
<div id="rect"/>
You can run the demo live here.
SCION allows you to instantiate SCXML interpreters from SCXML "model" objects, which are SCXML documents that have been processed for easier interpretation. These methods allow you to create an SCXML model from an XML DOM document, document string, or url/path to document.
The SCXML constructor creates an interpreter instance from a model object.
//same model can be used to create multiple interpreter instances
var scxml1 = new scion.SCXML(model),
scxml2 = new scion.SCXML(model);
starts the SCXML interpreter. scxml.start
should only be called once, and should be called before scxml.gen
is called for the first time.
Returns a "basic configuration", which is an Array of strings representing the ids all of the basic states the interpreter is in after the call to scxml.start
An SCXML interpreter takes SCXML events as input, where an SCXML event is an object with "name" and "data" properties. These can be passed to method gen
as two positional arguments, or as a single object.
returns a "basic configuration", which is an Array of strings representing the ids all of the basic states the interpreter is in after the call to scxml.gen
var scxml = new scion.SCXML(model),
var data = {foo:1};
var configuration = scxml.gen("eventName",data);
//the following call is equivalent
var configuration = scxml.gen({name:"eventName",data:{foo:1}});
An SCXML interpreter has three forms of output:
- Notify listeners of state changes.
- Script JavaScript object references passed into the SCXML interpreter as event data. This technique is used to script the div DOM node in the drag-and-drop example above.
element to send SCXML events to web services. Right now, the<send>
tag is not supported by SCION out of the box. This should be better supported by next release (v0.0.9).
scxml.registerListener({onEntry : function(stateId){}, onExit : function(stateId){}, onTransition : function(sourceStateId,[targetStateIds,...]){}})
Registers a callback to receive notification of state changes, as described above.
Each onEntry
, onExit
and onTransition
callback is optional - if the property is not present, it will be ignored.
Furthermore, for the onTransition
callback, argument targetStateIds
will be null
for targetless transitions, rather than, e.g. an empty array.
Add the following script tags to your web page:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Note that SCION assumes the presence of jQuery to handle cross-browser XMLHTTPRequest, however an alternative Ajax library could instead be used. This is set up in the following way:
//perform this setup once, before SCION is used
var platform = require('platform');
platform.ajax = {
get : function(url,successCallback,dataType){
//call your preferred Ajax library here to do HTTP GET
//if dataType is 'xml', the Ajax response must be parsed as DOM
post : function(url, data, successCallback, dataType){
//call your preferred Ajax library here to do HTTP POST
SCION does not currently use
, but there are plans to use this API in the future to implement SCXML <send>
Install SCION via npm:
npm install scion
Or, to get the latest and greatest from Github master:
cd node_modules/ #cd into wherever your node_modules directory lives
git clone --recursive git:// scion #this fetches SCION and its git submodule dependencies into directory "scion"
cd scion && npm install #this fetches npm package dependencies
For example usage see SCION Demos.
Get it with git:
git clone --recursive git://
Rhino 1.7R3 supports CommonJS modules, so SCION can be used as follows:
#just put SCION/lib on your modules path
rhino -modules path/to/SCION/lib -main path/to/your/script.js
Because SCION is implemented in ECMAScript, it has been fairly easy to embed in other programming environments, including:
- Java : SCION-Java
- Python : pySCION
SCION takes many ideas from the SCXML standard. In particular, it reuses the syntax of SCXML, but changes some of the semantics.
- If you're already familiar with SCXML, and want a high-level overview of similarities and differences between SCION and SCXML, start here: SCION vs. SCXML Comparison.
- If you're a specification implementer or a semanticist, and would like the details of the SCION semantics, start here: SCION Semantics.