Before running the demo, you need to install the following tools:
Make sure Docker is running before proceeding by running the following command.
docker ps
Create a Kind cluster and deploy the Ingress controller and Shifu.
kind create cluster --config=config.yaml
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
Deploy deviceShifu for Camera (RTSP), Siemens PLC (S7) and LED (OPC UA).
kubectl create secret -n deviceshifu generic camera-secret --from-literal=IP_CAMERA_PASSWORD={CAMERA_PASSWORD}
kubectl apply -f deviceshifu
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml
To view the camera stream, open the following URL in the browser.
To send a single bit to the PLC, run the following command.
curl "localhost:30080/deviceshifu-plc/sendsinglebit?rootaddress=Q&address=0&start=0&digit=1&value=0"; echo
curl "localhost:30080/deviceshifu-plc/sendsinglebit?rootaddress=Q&address=0&start=0&digit=1&value=1"; echo
To read from LED, run the following command.
curl "localhost:30080/deviceshifu-led/number"
To write to LED, run the following command.
curl -XPOST -d '{"value":2999}' "localhost:30080/deviceshifu-led/number"