In order to build each image, just cd
into the directory and execute make
% cd dev && make
% cd commit-tests && make
The edgetx-dev
image is meant to be used in interactive mode:
% cd ~/src/edgetx
% docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/src bash
root@02157a542d21:/# cd /src
Then you can just do whatever you need to do with your EdgeTX source tree (compile, test, whatever).
The edgetx-builder
image is meant to be used in cloudbuild project. It favours
rootless user by default, other than that it is exactly the same as edgetx-dev
The edgetx-dev
and edgetx-builder
image are hosted at Docker hub & Github Container Repository for your convenience.
Pulling from Github Container Repository with this command:
% docker pull
% docker pull