This project needs to realize synchronization with Open Food Facts open data and allow CRUD operations with data
To properly execute the application you must have an instance of mongo database running somewhere in your machine. For look we have (docker)[] and (docker compose)[] to help us with the execution of third part apps.
In the root of this project we had a file called docker-compose.yml, inside it contains the definition of three services the first one is the app and; the mongo is the mongo database instance and the mongo-express is a tool to visualize our database data.
To execute the mongo database you must execute:
docker-compose up mongo mongo-express
The above command will start the database at port 27017 and the visualization at http://localhost:8081
To execute the application you must clone the project inside a folder at your machine then you must create a .env file at the project root, the file .env.example contains the required envs.
The env var CONN_STR should have the format mongodb://root:example@localhost:27017/?authSource=admin The env var DATABASE_NAME should be admin The env var TIME_EXEC_IMPORT should have the format * * * * * (Where the first one represents minutes and the second is the hour) eg. 10 13 * * * = 13h:10m
The other variables represents the email information to be able notify when import fails or succeed
[email protected]
[email protected]
EMAIL_PASS=pass //to gmail creds
EMAIL_PORT=587 //gmail smtp
To run with docker you must have installed (docker)[] and (docker compose)[] and an instance of mongodb must be running (see Running mongo with docker section) and you have filled the .env file. then at the project root run:
docker-compose up app
or if you have make bin installed at your machine you can run:
make docker
Then the application will be running at http://localhost:8080, and documentation at http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html
To run without docker you must have installed the golang (version 1.11+), an instance of mongodb must be running (see Running mongo with docker section) and you have filled the .env file.
After that in the project root you can execute the app runnig:
go run ./main.go
or if you have make bin installed at your machine you can run:
make run
Then the application will be running at http://localhost:8080, and documentation at http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html
Ginko and Gomega are the tool used in this projects to create and run test to execute the tests you can type:
go test ./... -v
make test