This python executeable implements a WLAN sniffer/tracker, capturing all MAC-Addresses that are passively received and sends them with additional data out via MQTT. Could be useful for home-automatication as presence detection.
For this it puts a compatible wlan-device into monitor mode and listens passively for any incomming packets. If any packet is received, the MAC-Adress is stored together with a timestamp when this device was seen and how long. In regular intervals, this is sent to the MQTT-Server.
This script needs full access to the device, therefore it needs atm root privileges. Set the environment variable WDEVICE to the name of your wlan-device. f.ex. export WDEVICE=wlx001d43b0063a
A dockerimage is availabe, set the environment variable according to your wlan-device and run the container f.ex.: docker run -e WDEVICE=wlx001d43b0063a --privileged --net=host ebaeum/wlantracker