TileDB allows you to store and access very large multi-dimensional array data, the data currency of Data Science. It is a powerful storage engine that introduces a novel format that can effectively store both dense and sparse array data with support for fast updates and reads. It is cloud-optimized and features excellent compression and an efficient parallel I/O system for high scalability. TileDB works on Linux, macOS, and Windows, and is open-sourced under the permissive MIT License.
- Installation: https://docs.tiledb.com/developer/installation/quick-install
- Quickstart: https://docs.tiledb.com/developer/quickstart
- Full developer documentation for all APIs and integrations: https://docs.tiledb.com/developer
TileDB is an open source project and welcomes all forms of contributions. Contributors to the project should read over the contribution docs for more information.
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