The Imaging Biomarker Ontology (OWL version) describes radiological measurements that characterize biological processes (such as anisotropic water diffusion in a particular tissue region) of imaged subjects (such as neuro-imaging observations) and help clinicians, particularly in the assessment of therapeutic responses and the early prediction of pathologies.
IBO is aligned to the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) and reuses several relevant biomedical ontologies:
- Phenotype And Trait Ontology (PATO)
- Information Artifact Ontology (IAO)
- Gene Ontology (GO)
- Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (Chebi)
- Human Disease Ontology (DOID)
- Foundational Model of Anatomy ontology
To IBO ontology is available on IBO V1, please check the import of all the modules before reusing the ontology.
- Emna Amdouni and Bernard Gibaud: Imaging Biomarker Ontology (IBO): A Biomedical Ontology to Annotate and Share Imaging Biomarker Data
- Emna Amdouni, Yannick Morvan, Bernard Gibaud: Towards an Imaging Biomarker Ontology Based on the Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies Foundry
Emna Amdouni (LTSI laboratory, University of Rennes 1 & Inserm) [email protected] Bernard Gibaud (LTSI laboratory, University of Rennes 1 & Inserm) [email protected]