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Merge pull request #446 from EOSIO/435-producer-scheduling-1.9
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properly handle producer_authority field in producers table - v1.9.x
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arhag authored Jan 31, 2020
2 parents 47d0fd0 + f212718 commit 7c6285c
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Showing 14 changed files with 2,265 additions and 17 deletions.
63 changes: 57 additions & 6 deletions contracts/eosio.system/include/eosio.system/eosio.system.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -179,6 +179,10 @@ namespace eosiosystem {
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( eosio_global_state4, (continuous_rate)(inflation_pay_factor)(votepay_factor) )

inline eosio::block_signing_authority convert_to_block_signing_authority( const eosio::public_key& producer_key ) {
return eosio::block_signing_authority_v0{ .threshold = 1, .keys = {{producer_key, 1}} };

// Defines `producer_info` structure to be stored in `producer_info` table, added after version 1.0
struct [[eosio::table, eosio::contract("eosio.system")]] producer_info {
name owner;
Expand All @@ -196,9 +200,56 @@ namespace eosiosystem {
bool active()const { return is_active; }
void deactivate() { producer_key = public_key(); producer_authority.reset(); is_active = false; }

// explicit serialization macro is not necessary, used here only to improve compilation time
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( producer_info, (owner)(total_votes)(producer_key)(is_active)(url)
(unpaid_blocks)(last_claim_time)(location)(producer_authority) )
eosio::block_signing_authority get_producer_authority()const {
if( producer_authority.has_value() ) {
bool zero_threshold = std::visit( [](auto&& auth ) -> bool {
return (auth.threshold == 0);
}, *producer_authority );
// zero_threshold could be true despite the validation done in regproducer2 because the v1.9.0 eosio.system
// contract has a bug which may have modified the producer table such that the producer_authority field
// contains a default constructed eosio::block_signing_authority (which has a 0 threshold and so is invalid).
if( !zero_threshold ) return *producer_authority;
return convert_to_block_signing_authority( producer_key );

// The unregprod and claimrewards actions modify unrelated fields of the producers table and under the default
// serialization behavior they would increase the size of the serialized table if the producer_authority field
// was not already present. This is acceptable (though not necessarily desired) because those two actions require
// the authority of the producer who pays for the table rows.
// However, the rmvproducer action and the onblock transaction would also modify the producer table in a similar
// way and increasing its serialized size is not acceptable in that context.
// So, a custom serialization is defined to handle the binary_extension producer_authority
// field in the desired way. (Note: v1.9.0 did not have this custom serialization behavior.)

template<typename DataStream>
friend DataStream& operator << ( DataStream& ds, const producer_info& t ) {
ds << t.owner
<< t.total_votes
<< t.producer_key
<< t.is_active
<< t.url
<< t.unpaid_blocks
<< t.last_claim_time
<< t.location;

if( !t.producer_authority.has_value() ) return ds;

return ds << t.producer_authority;

template<typename DataStream>
friend DataStream& operator >> ( DataStream& ds, producer_info& t ) {
return ds >> t.owner
>> t.total_votes
>> t.producer_key
>> t.is_active
>> t.url
>> t.unpaid_blocks
>> t.last_claim_time
>> t.location
>> t.producer_authority;

// Defines new producer info structure to be stored in new producer info table, added after version 1.3.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,8 +394,8 @@ namespace eosiosystem {
// - `version` defaulted to zero,
// - `last_dist_time` the last time proceeds from renting, ram fees, and name bids were added to the rex pool,
// - `pending_bucket_time` timestamp of the pending 12-hour return bucket,
// - `oldest_bucket_time` cached timestamp of the oldest 12-hour return bucket,
// - `pending_bucket_proceeds` proceeds in the pending 12-hour return bucket,
// - `oldest_bucket_time` cached timestamp of the oldest 12-hour return bucket,
// - `pending_bucket_proceeds` proceeds in the pending 12-hour return bucket,
// - `current_rate_of_increase` the current rate per dist_interval at which proceeds are added to the rex pool,
// - `proceeds` the maximum amount of proceeds that can be added to the rex pool at any given time
struct [[eosio::table,eosio::contract("eosio.system")]] rex_return_pool {
Expand All @@ -368,7 +419,7 @@ namespace eosiosystem {

// `rex_return_buckets` structure underlying the rex return buckets table. A rex return buckets table is defined by:
// - `version` defaulted to zero,
// - `return_buckets` buckets of proceeds accumulated in 12-hour intervals
// - `return_buckets` buckets of proceeds accumulated in 12-hour intervals
struct [[eosio::table,eosio::contract("eosio.system")]] rex_return_buckets {
uint8_t version = 0;
std::map<time_point_sec, int64_t> return_buckets;
Expand Down
7 changes: 1 addition & 6 deletions contracts/eosio.system/src/voting.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,10 +24,6 @@ namespace eosiosystem {
using eosio::microseconds;
using eosio::singleton;

eosio::block_signing_authority convert_to_block_signing_authority( const eosio::public_key& producer_key ) {
return eosio::block_signing_authority_v0{ .threshold = 1, .keys = {{producer_key, 1}} };

void system_contract::register_producer( const name& producer, const eosio::block_signing_authority& producer_authority, const std::string& url, uint16_t location ) {
auto prod = _producers.find( producer.value );
const auto ct = current_time_point();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,8 +116,7 @@ namespace eosiosystem {
.producer_name = it->owner,
.authority = it->producer_authority.has_value() ? *it->producer_authority
: convert_to_block_signing_authority( it->producer_key )
.authority = it->get_producer_authority()
Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,10 +18,12 @@ struct contracts {
struct util {
static std::vector<uint8_t> reject_all_wasm() { return read_wasm("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_contracts/reject_all.wasm"); }
static std::vector<uint8_t> exchange_wasm() { return read_wasm("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_contracts/exchange.wasm"); }
static std::vector<uint8_t> system_wasm_old() { return read_wasm("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_contracts/eosio.system.old/eosio.system.wasm"); }
static std::vector<char> system_abi_old() { return read_abi("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_contracts/eosio.system.old/eosio.system.abi"); }
static std::vector<uint8_t> msig_wasm_old() { return read_wasm("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_contracts/eosio.msig.old/eosio.msig.wasm"); }
static std::vector<char> msig_abi_old() { return read_abi("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_contracts/eosio.msig.old/eosio.msig.abi"); }
static std::vector<uint8_t> system_wasm_v1_8() { return read_wasm("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_contracts/old_versions/v1.8.3/eosio.system/eosio.system.wasm"); }
static std::vector<char> system_abi_v1_8() { return read_abi("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_contracts/old_versions/v1.8.3/eosio.system/eosio.system.abi"); }
static std::vector<uint8_t> system_wasm_old() { return read_wasm("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_contracts/old_versions/v1.2.1/eosio.system/eosio.system.wasm"); }
static std::vector<char> system_abi_old() { return read_abi("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_contracts/old_versions/v1.2.1/eosio.system/eosio.system.abi"); }
static std::vector<uint8_t> msig_wasm_old() { return read_wasm("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_contracts/old_versions/v1.2.1/eosio.msig/eosio.msig.wasm"); }
static std::vector<char> msig_abi_old() { return read_abi("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_contracts/old_versions/v1.2.1/eosio.msig/eosio.msig.abi"); }
}} //ns eosio::testing
99 changes: 98 additions & 1 deletion tests/eosio.system_tests.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -899,6 +899,103 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( producer_wtmsig, eosio_system_tester ) try {


BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( producer_wtmsig_transition, eosio_system_tester ) try {

BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( control->active_producers().version, 0u );

set_code( config::system_account_name, contracts::util::system_wasm_v1_8() );
set_abi( config::system_account_name, contracts::util::system_abi_v1_8().data() );

issue_and_transfer( N(alice1111111), core_sym::from_string("200000000.0000"), config::system_account_name );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( success(), push_action( N(alice1111111), N(regproducer), mvo()
("producer", "alice1111111")
("producer_key", get_public_key( N(alice1111111), "active") )
("location", 0)
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( success(), stake( N(alice1111111), core_sym::from_string("100000000.0000"), core_sym::from_string("100000000.0000") ) );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( success(), vote( N(alice1111111), { N(alice1111111) } ) );

//auto alice_prod_info1 = get_producer_info( N(alice1111111) );

produce_block( fc::minutes(2) );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( control->active_producers().version, 1u );

const auto schedule_update1 = get_global_state()["last_producer_schedule_update"];

const auto& rlm = control->get_resource_limits_manager();

auto alice_initial_ram_usage = rlm.get_account_ram_usage(N(alice1111111));

set_code( config::system_account_name, contracts::system_wasm() );
set_abi( config::system_account_name, contracts::system_abi().data() );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( control->pending_block_producer(), N(alice1111111) );

auto alice_prod_info2 = get_producer_info( N(alice1111111) );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( alice_prod_info2["is_active"], true );

produce_block( fc::minutes(2) );
const auto schedule_update2 = get_global_state()["last_producer_schedule_update"];
BOOST_REQUIRE( schedule_update1 < schedule_update2 ); // Ensure last_producer_schedule_update is increasing.

// Producing the above block would trigger the bug in v1.9.0 that sets the default block_signing_authority
// in the producer object of the currently active producer alice1111111.
// However, starting in v1.9.1, the producer object does not have a default block_signing_authority added to the
// serialization of the producer object if it was not already present in the binary extension field
// producer_authority to begin with. This is verified below by ensuring the RAM usage of alice (who pays for the
// producer object) does not increase.

auto alice_ram_usage = rlm.get_account_ram_usage(N(alice1111111));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( alice_initial_ram_usage, alice_ram_usage );

auto alice_prod_info3 = get_producer_info( N(alice1111111) );
if( alice_prod_info3.get_object().contains("producer_authority") ) {
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( alice_prod_info3["producer_authority"][1]["threshold"], 0 );

produce_block( fc::minutes(2) );
const auto schedule_update3 = get_global_state()["last_producer_schedule_update"];

// The bug in v1.9.0 would cause alice to have an invalid producer authority (the default block_signing_authority).
// The v1.9.0 system contract would have attempted to set a proposed producer schedule including this invalid
// authority which would be rejected by the EOSIO native system and cause the onblock transaction to continue to fail.
// This could be observed by noticing that last_producer_schedule_update was not being updated even though it should.
// However, starting in v1.9.1, update_elected_producers is smarter about the producer schedule it constructs to
// propose to the system. It will recognize the default constructed authority (which shouldn't be created by the
// v1.9.1 system contract but may still exist in the tables if it was constructed by the buggy v1.9.0 system contract)
// and instead resort to constructing the block signing authority from the single producer key in the table.
// So newer system contracts should see onblock continue to function, which is verified by the check below.

BOOST_CHECK( schedule_update2 < schedule_update3 ); // Ensure last_producer_schedule_update is increasing.

// But even if the buggy v1.9.0 system contract was running, it should always still be possible to recover
// by having the producer with the invalid authority simply call regproducer or regproducer2 to correct their
// block signing authority.

BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( success(), push_action( N(alice1111111), N(regproducer), mvo()
("producer", "alice1111111")
("producer_key", get_public_key( N(alice1111111), "active") )
("location", 0)

produce_block( fc::minutes(2) );

auto alice_prod_info4 = get_producer_info( N(alice1111111) );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( alice_prod_info4["is_active"], true );
const auto schedule_update4 = get_global_state()["last_producer_schedule_update"];
BOOST_REQUIRE( schedule_update2 < schedule_update4 );


BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( vote_for_producer, eosio_system_tester, * boost::unit_test::tolerance(1e+5) ) try {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5408,7 +5505,7 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( rex_return, eosio_system_tester ) try {
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( success(), rexexec( bob, 1 ) );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( 0, get_rex_return_buckets()["return_buckets"].get_array().size() );


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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Compiled with
eosio.contracts: bf28f8bbf9ee753966c95c586906e82d72f9dfac (v1.2.1)
eosio.wasmsdk: 2c106a018f2e69d34325ef2376cf085426068e93, CORE_SYMBOL_NAME = "SYS"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Compiled with
eosio.contracts: 7109f002fa9afff18edcafce5c32b224a21eef98 (v1.8.3)
eosio.cdt: 263e41cbb3e58dca71117401f43be104f1e58ae4 (v1.6.3)

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