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pmesnier committed Aug 5, 2017
2 parents 73de1ca + 98b018a commit a613dea
Showing 1 changed file with 283 additions and 0 deletions.
283 changes: 283 additions & 0 deletions tests/p2p_tests/pump/
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@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Env;
use File::Basename;
use File::copy;
use File::Spec;
use File::Path;
use Cwd;

my $eos_home = defined $ENV{EOS_HOME} ? $ENV{EOS_HOME} : getcwd;
my $eosd = $eos_home . "/programs/eosd/eosd";
my $eosc = $eos_home . "/programs/eosc/eosc";

my $nodes = defined $ENV{EOS_TEST_RING} ? $ENV{EOS_TEST_RING} : "1";
my $pnodes = defined $ENV{EOS_TEST_PRODUCERS} ? $ENV{EOS_TEST_PRODUCERS} : "1";

my $prods = 21;
my $genesis = "$eos_home/genesis.json";
my $http_port_base = 8888;
my $p2p_port_base = 9876;
my $data_dir_base = "tdn";
my $hostname = "";
my $first_pause = 0;
my $launch_pause = 0;
my $run_duration = 60;
my $topo = "ring";
my $override_gts = "";
my $no_delay=0;
my $test=1;

if (!GetOptions("nodes=i" => \$nodes,
"first-pause=i" => \$first_pause,
"launch-pause=i" => \$launch_pause,
"duration=i" => \$run_duration,
"topo=s" => \$topo,
"test=i" => \$test,
"time-stamp=s" => \$override_gts,
"pnodes=i" => \$pnodes)) {
print "usage: $ARGV[0] [--nodes=<n>] [--pnodes=<n>] [--topo=<ring|star>] [--first-pause=<n>] [--launch-pause=<n>] [--duration=<n>] [--time-stamp=<time> \n";
print "where:\n";
print "--nodes=n (default = 1) sets the number of eosd instances to launch\n";
print "--pnodes=n (default = 1) sets the number nodes that will also be producers\n";
print "--topo=s (default = ring) sets the network topology to eithar a ring shape or a star shape\n";
print "--first-pause=n (default = 0) sets the seconds delay after starting the first instance\n";
print "--launch-pause=n (default = 0) sets the seconds delay after starting subsequent nodes\n";
print "--duration=n (default = 60) sets the seconds delay after starting the last node before shutting down the test\n";
print "--time-stamp=s (defsult \"\") sets the timestsmp in UTC for the genesis block. use \"now\" to mean the current time.\n";
print "\nproducer count currently fixed at $prods\n";

die "pnodes value must be between 1 and $prods\n" if ($pnodes < 1 || $pnodes > $prods);

$nodes = $pnodes if ($nodes < $pnodes);

my $per_node = int ($prods / $pnodes);
my $extra = $prods - ($per_node * $pnodes);
my @pcount;
for (my $p = 0; $p < $pnodes; $p++) {
$pcount[$p] = $per_node;
if ($extra) {
my @pid;
my @data_dir;
my @p2p_port;
my @http_port;
my @peers;
$launch_pause = 0 if ($no_delay);
$first_pause = 0 if ($no_delay);

my $rhost = $hostname; # from a list for multihost tests
for (my $i = 0; $i < $nodes; $i++) {
$p2p_port[$i] = $p2p_port_base + $i;
$http_port[$i] = $http_port_base + $i;
$data_dir[$i] = "$data_dir_base-$i";

opendir(DIR, ".") or die $!;
while (my $d = readdir(DIR)) {
if ($d =~ $data_dir_base) {
rmtree ($d) or die $!;

sub write_config {
my $i = shift;
my $producer = shift;

mkdir ($data_dir[$i]);
mkdir ($data_dir[$i]."/blocks");
mkdir ($data_dir[$i]."/blockchain");

open (my $cfg, '>', "$data_dir[$i]/config.ini") ;
print $cfg "genesis-json = \"$genesis\"\n";
print $cfg "block-log-dir = blocks\n";
print $cfg "readonly = 0\n";
print $cfg "shared-file-dir = blockchain\n";
print $cfg "shared-file-size = 64\n";
print $cfg "http-server-endpoint =$http_port[$i]\n";
print $cfg "listen-endpoint =$p2p_port[$i]\n";
print $cfg "public-endpoint = $hostname:$p2p_port[$i]\n";
foreach my $peer (@peers) {
print $cfg "remote-endpoint = $peer\n";

if (defined $producer) {
print $cfg "enable-stale-production = true\n";
print $cfg "required-participation = true\n";
print $cfg "private-key = [\"EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV\",\"5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3\"]\n";

print $cfg "plugin = eos::producer_plugin\n";
print $cfg "plugin = eos::chain_api_plugin\n";

my $prod_ndx = ord('a') + $producer;
my $num_prod = $pcount[$producer];
for (my $p = 0; $p < $num_prod; $p++) {
print $cfg "producer-name = init" . chr($prod_ndx) . "\n";
$prod_ndx += $pnodes; # ($p < $per_node-1) ? $pnodes : 1;
close $cfg;

#connect each producer to the one ahead in the list, last to the first
#if bidir set then double connect to the one behind as well
sub make_ring_topology {
my $bidir = shift;
if ($nodes == 1) {
write_config (0,0);
return 1;

for (my $i = 0; $i < $nodes; $i++) {
my $pi = $i if ($i < $pnodes);
my $rport = ($i == $nodes - 1) ? $p2p_port_base : $p2p_port[$i] + 1;
$peers[0] = "$rhost:$rport";
if ($nodes > 2 && $bidir) {
$rport = $p2p_port[$i] - 1;
$rport += $nodes if ($i == 0);
$peers[1] = "$rhost:$rport";
write_config ($i, $pi);
return 1;

#connect each producer to three others, index+1, index + 1 + delta, index + 2(1 + delta)
#delta determined by total number of producer nodes. between 4 and 7, delta = pnodes-4
sub make_star_topology {
if ($pnodes < 4) {
return make_ring_topology(0);
my $numconn = 3;
my @ports;
my $delta = $pnodes > 6 ? 4 : $pnodes - $numconn;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $nodes; $i++) {
my $pi = $i if ($i < $pnodes);
$ports[0] = $p2p_port[$i];
for (my $d = 1; $d <= $numconn; $d++) {
my $rind = ($i + ($d) * ($delta)) % $nodes;
$rind++ if ($rind == $i);
my $rport = $p2p_port[$rind];
for (my $chk = 0; $chk < $d; $chk++) {
if ($rport == $ports[$chk]) {
$chk = -1;
$ports[$d] = $rport;
$peers[$d-1] = "$rhost:$rport";

write_config ($i, $pi);

return 1;

sub launch_nodes {
my $gtsarg;
if ($override_gts) {
my $GTS = $override_gts;
print "override gts = $override_gts\n";

if ($override_gts =~ "now" ) {
chomp ($GTS = `date -u "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"`);
my @s = split (':',$GTS);
$s[2] = substr ((100 + (int ($s[2]/3) * 3)),1);
$GTS = join (':', @s);
print "using genesis time stamp $GTS\n";
$gtsarg = "--genesis-timestamp=$GTS";

for (my $i = 0; $i < $nodes; $i++) {
my @cmdline = ($eosd,
$pid[$i] = fork;
if ($pid[$i] > 0) {
my $pause = $i == 0 ? $first_pause : $launch_pause;
print "parent process looping, child pid = $pid[$i]";
if ($i < $nodes - 1) {
print ", pausing $pause seconds\n";
sleep ($pause);
else {
print "\n";

elsif (defined ($pid[$i])) {
print "child execing now, pid = $$\n";
open OUTPUT, '>', "$data_dir[$i]/stdout.txt" or die $!;
open ERROR, '>', "$data_dir[$i]/stderr.txt" or die $!;
STDOUT->fdopen ( \*OUTPUT, 'w') or die $!;
STDERR->fdopen ( \*ERROR, 'w') or die $!;
print "$cmdline[0], $cmdline[1], $cmdline[2]\n";
exec @cmdline;
print "child terminating now\n";
else {
print "fork failed\n";

sub perform_work {
my $mode = shift;
sleep (5);
print "all nodes launched, network running for $run_duration seconds\n";

if ($mode == 0) {
sleep ($run_duration);
elsif ($mode == 1) {
my $stoptime = time () + $run_duration;
my $counter = 0;
while (time () < $stoptime) {
`$eosc transfer eos inita 10 >> eosc.out 2>> eosc.err`;
if ($counter % 1000 == 0) {
print "$counter client iterations\n";
print "minimal contract ran $counter times.\n";
else {
print "test mode $mode not defined\n";

sub kill_nodes {
foreach my $pp (@pid) {
print "killing $pp\n";
if (kill (2, $pp) != 0) {
sleep (1);
kill 9, $pp;

# main

if ( $topo =~ "ring" ) { make_ring_topology (1) or die; }
elsif ( $topo =~ "star" ) { make_star_topology () or die; }
else { print "$topo is not a known topology" and die; }

launch_nodes ();

perform_work ($test);

kill_nodes () if ($run_duration > 0);

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