The purpose of the bucket-wipe tool is to enumerate a bucket and delete its contents in parallel threads. At the end the bucket is optionally deleted. This tool is required because you cannot (for safety reasons) delete a non-empty bucket.
Current Version: 2.1.0
WARNING: THIS TOOL PERMANENTLY DELETES ALL DATA IN A BUCKET, INCLUDING ALL VERSIONS!! Even if you have versioning enabled, the tool will destroy all data in the bucket and (by default) the bucket itself. If this is not what you want, use a different tool.
Bucket Wipe is a Java application and can be run using the java -jar
command followed by the location of the JAR file. Running without any other arguments will produce command-line help.
usage: java -jar bucket-wipe.jar [options] <bucket-name>
-a,--access-key <access-key> the S3 access key
--delete-mpus incomplete MPUs will prevent the bucket
from being deleted. use this option to
clean up all incomplete MPUs
-e,--endpoint <URI> the endpoint to connect to, including
protocol, host, and port
-h,--help displays this help text
-hier,--hierarchical Enumerate the bucket hierarchically. This
is recommended for ECS's
filesystem-enabled buckets.
--keep-bucket do not delete the bucket when done
-l,--key-list <file> instead of listing bucket, delete objects
matched in source file key list
--no-smart-client disables the ECS smart-client. use this
option with an external load balancer
-p,--prefix <prefix> deletes only objects under the specified
-s,--secret-key <secret-key> the secret key
--stacktrace displays full stack trace of errors
-t,--threads <threads> number of threads to use
--vhost enables DNS buckets and turns off load
Note that if you are using an endpoint that is a load balancer, you will want to use --no-smart-client to turn off the built-in software load balancer.
For more information, please see the wiki
You should only need to build this tool for development purposes.
- Clone bucket-wipe tool from githib
$ git clone
- cd to the bucket-wipe directory
$ cd bucket-wipe
- Build jar file
$ ./gradlew shadowJar
- The build will be located in