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Eddi ecosystem demography display interface
EDDI is a stand-alone visualization tool designed to give a more qualitative and rapid assessment of ED2 model output demographics. EDDI is a beta phase utility and is subject to numerous bugs and errors. EDDI results are suited towards qualitative and artistic assessments of model output. If something doesn't work, restart and try again. You will be surprised what beneficial effects you will get by changing views around and shuffling variables.
EDDI is bundled with the the ED2 main repository as of r81. Developers are free to make revisions and additions to this software per rules governing the ED2 model tree.
EDDI is written in C and requires HDF5, OpenGL, GLU and GLUT libraries for compilation. A makefile is provided in the base directory, environment variables describing the c compiler, its options and the locations of the HDF5 library are found there. The locations of the OpenGL must by in the dynamic library path of the c compiler, unless the user knows what they are doing. The build process will create a binary called "eddi" located in the run directory.
You will need the following datasets located in the "run" directory during execution. Do not change the names. They are not bundled in the repository for space considerations.
gleaf_1.1ll.img http://web.mit.edu/rknox/Public/gleaf_1.1ll.img
gtopo_1.0deg http://web.mit.edu/rknox/Public/gtopo_1.0deg
EDDI is executed with one argument, a list of ED2 HDF5 "state" files to interpret. EDDI ONLY reads ED2.1 state files! The state file can be located anywhere, so long as the list file gives the correct path to its location. As an example, lets say the state file of interest is located in ./run/test-run/test-S-2012-01-01-000000_g1.h5. In the run directory, i would first create the list file a-like-so:
prompt> ls -l test-run/test-S-2012-01-01-000000_g1.h5 > dl_testfiles.txt
I use the prefix "dl" to denote "display list" but it is arbitrary.
EDDI can now be invoked with the following:
prompt> ./eddi dl_testfiles.txt
Move camera to higher altitude: PgUp
Move camera to lower altitude: PgDn
Rotate the planet on it's polar axis east: shift left
Rotate the planet on it's polar axis west: shift right
Tilt the earth's axis counter clock-wise: left
Tilt the earth's axis clock-wise: right
Rotate the planet northward about the orthogonal equatorial axis: shift up
Rotate the planet southward about the orthogonal equatorial axis: shift down
Don't use up and down alone, seems useless atm.
The display starts off visualizing earth from a view-point in low-earth orbit. Here you can toggle between viewing a coarse resolution rendering of the global BATS land classification and ED2 polygon level output. EDDI calls the first mode "Realism Mode" and the latter "Demography Mode". This may seem kinda weird. But if one zooms into the earth while viewing BATS land-classes, the view will abrubtly change so that an artists rendition of the land-scape starts to form.
Toggle BATS land-classes and ED2 polygon output (while in LEO): d
Cycle through polygon mean quantities: p
Decreasing altitude onto an ED polygon will bring up "patch-level" stuff.
Cycle through patch level mean quantities: a
Each polygon will now be represented as a pie chart. The pie slices are patches. The size of the pie slices indicates the log of patch area.
Remember! Decreasing altitude while in BATS land-class mode will bring up "realism mode", this is under-development and very taxing on the graphics card.
After decreasing altitude further until only one polygon is present, plant cohorts will then be visible. The cohorts are positioned in proximity to the circle center according to number density. Their angular position within their patch's pie slice is random. Their heights are relatively scaled to their actual height. Their shapes are a function of PFT.
Grases: little pyramids (or cones, i forget) Early Tropicals (2): Square canopy tops. Mid Tropicals (3): Pentagonal canopy tops. Late Tropicals (4): Hexagonal canopy tops. Other: Unspecified, under development
Cycle color coding on cohort level variables: i