MSC GeoMet MapProxy configuration management and orchestration
- Python 3
- virtualenv
Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. Dependencies are automatically installed during geomet-mapproxy installation.
# setup virtualenv
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages geomet-mapproxy
cd geomet-mapproxy
source bin/activate
# clone codebase and install
git clone
cd geomet-mapproxy
python3 build
python3 install
# configure environment
cp geomet-mapproxy.env dev.env
vi dev.env # edit paths accordingly
. dev.env
# create default cache directory
geomet-mapproxy cache create
# initialize default MapProxy configuration
geomet-mapproxy config create
# start MapProxy
mapproxy-util serve-develop $GEOMET_MAPPROXY_CONFIG -b
# manage configuration and cache
# update specific layers from WMS endpoint (default)
geomet-mapproxy config update --layers=GDPS.ETA_TT,RADAR_1KM_RRAI
# update all layers from WMS endpoint (default)
geomet-mapproxy config update
# update specific layers from mapfile on disk
geomet-mapproxy config update --layers=GDPS.ETA_TT,RADAR_1KM_RRAI --mode=mapfile
# update all layers from mapfile on disk
geomet-mapproxy config update
# update specific layers from Capabilities XML file on disk
geomet-mapproxy config update --layers=GDPS.ETA_TT,RADAR_1KM_RRAI --mode=xml
# update all layers from Capabilities XML file on disk
geomet-mapproxy config update --mode=xml
# delete cache for specific layers
geomet-mapproxy cache clean --layers=GDPS.ETA_TT,RADAR_1KM_RRAI
# delete cache for specific layers, bypassing confirmation
geomet-mapproxy cache clean --layers=GDPS.ETA_TT,RADAR_1KM_RRAI --force
# install dev requirements
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
# run tests like this:
python3 geomet_mapproxy/tests/
# or this:
python3 test
python3 sdist bdist_wheel --universal
twine upload dist/*
All bugs, enhancements and issues are managed on GitHub.