An Elixir library for simplifying the sending of protocol buffers over rabbitmq. This is intended to allow compatible communication with the more comprehensive ruby framework Smith but this can be used on it's own as a way of using protocol buffers and rabbitmq.
Add this library to your dependencies like {:smex, github: "DylanGriffith/smex"}
. Then add :smex
to your applications.
You will also need your own protocol buffers in some directory then configure
that in config/config.exs
config :smex,
protobuf_dir: "/path/to/my/protobufs"
This directory can contain any .proto
files and they will automatically be
compiled. For the purposes of the following examples you can just have a single
file call in the directory called greeting.proto
package PB;
message Greeting {
required string greeting = 1;
All protocol buffers are compiled to structs.
Now your ready to start sending messages:
{:ok, connection} = Smex.connect("amqp://guest:guest@localhost")
{:ok, channel} =
message = "Hello, World!")
queue = "smex.test.some_test_queue"
:ok = Smex.publish(channel, message, destination: queue)
Then if you want to subscribe to messages you can create a simple GenServer
defmodule MyServer do
use GenServer
use Smex.Agent
def init(_opts) do
# Setup the connection
{:ok, connection} = Smex.connect("amqp://guest:guest@localhost")
{:ok, channel} =
# Subscribe to desired queue
consumer_tag = Smex.subscribe(channel, queue_name: "smex.test.some_test_queue")
# Standard GenServer return
{:ok, %{connection: connection, channel: channel, consumer_tag: consumer_tag}}
# Pattern match just the protocol buffer types you expect on this queue
def handle_cast({:smex_message, m = %PB.Greeting{}, meta}, state = %{channel: chan}) do
IO.puts("Received a PB.Greeting:")
# Acknowledge receipt of message. This is necessary.
Smex.ack(chan, meta)
# Standard GenServer return
{:stop, :normal, state}
Since this is just a standard GenServer
you can add to any supervision tree
you want or do any other stuff you can do with a GenServer
RabbitMQ is awesome and asynchronous message passing is so hot right now. AMQP is complicated with lots of features that it forces you to understand even for simple use cases. Protocol buffers are fast and efficient data formats and translate neatly into elixir structs. This library provides a really straightforward way of getting started with these awesome libraries and intends to still provide you with the option of utilising more advanced features of AMQP when/if you eventually need it.