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This sample full-stack project is an NX.js workspace with two projects inside:

  • shopping-list-ui (A React UI)
  • shopping-list-api (An express API backend)

To run the full-stack project do the following:

  1. Install dependencies: yarn install
  2. Bring up a PostgreSQL instance inside Docker: docker-compose up
    • This will create a database server with the shoppinglist database created alongside a default user. This is the database the API will interact with.
  3. Connect to your PostgreSQL in your database IDE and execute the contents of init.sql to create the items table
    • The URI to connect: postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/shoppinglist
  4. In a separate terminal window, start the API: yarn start shopping-list-api
    • The API will startup on port 3333
  5. In a separate terminal window, start the UI: yarn start shopping-list-ui
  6. At this point you should have your database listening on port 5432, your API listening on port 3333, and your UI listening on port 4200.


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