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Install DukeDSClient under Windows

John Bradley edited this page Nov 25, 2020 · 18 revisions


The most reliable way to install DukeDSClient on Windows is using a python virtual environment.


  • Download and Install Python
  • Create a Virtual Environment
  • Create a Shortcut to the Virtual Environment
  • Install DukeDSClient in the Virtual Environment

Download and Install Python

Download Python

Python Download

Go to and click the Download Python button.

Install Python

Python Installer

Run the Python Installer using the default options.

Create a Virtual Environment

Open Windows Command Prompt

Run Command Prompt

  • Click search in the taskbar
  • Type "cmd" into the box
  • Select the "Command Prompt" App

Create a Virtual Environment

Within the command prompt window type the following command to create a virtual environment named dds:

py -3 -m venv %HOMEPATH%\dds

If you receive a Command Not Found error for the above command use this command instead:

python3 -m venv %HOMEPATH%\dds

Close the terminal

Create a Shortcut to the Virtual Environment

The shortcut will activate the virtual environment and setup unicode support for the command prompt.

  • Right-click on your desktop, choose New -> Shortcut
  • Enter C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /K %HOMEPATH%\dds\Scripts\activate && CHCP 65001 && set PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 for the shortcut location
  • Click Next
  • Enter DukeDSClient-Terminal for the shortcut name
  • Click Finish
  • Right-Click the DukeDSClient-Terminal shortcut
  • Click Properties
  • Enter %HOMEPATH% in the Start In field

Install DukeDSClient in the Virtual Environment

Double-click your DukeDSClient-Terminal desktop shortcut.

In the Command Prompt window install DukeDSClient using the following command:

pip3 install --upgrade DukeDSClient