- Nightly (updates since the previous Nightly release):
◆ TraktTVv2: (fix) Handle error 420, Trakt Free user account Collection limit reached. - Nightly (all the updates since DuckieTV 1.1.5):
◆ AutoDownload: (new) Now able to use series custom Seeders, custom Includes and custom Excludes.
◆ BackupRestore: (fix) Replace qBt 3.2+ with qBt 4.1+ to prevent black screen error after a Restore from an old Backup.
◆ DataBase: (fix) Make TRAKT_ID unique to prevent duplicate records.
◆ TMDBfanArt: (new) Refactor image loading to use TMDB. This complements and progressively takes over from FanArt.
◆ Languages: (new) Greek, Turkish, Slovak, South African English.
◆ Languages: (fix) Chinese, Dutch.
◆ Log_GR: (del) Drop Error-Tracking-Loggr, the service is no longer available.
◆ Favourites: (fix) improve poster auto-scrolling on selection.
◆ sceneNameResolver: (new) add custom support to subtract/add days from date formated serie names eg YYYY MM DD[-1].
◆ SearchEngines: (new) Add ETag (extratorrent.st), IsoHunt2 (isohunt.tv), TGx (torrentgalaxy.to), EXT (ext.to), KATws (kickass.ws), Knaben (knaben.eu), TheRARBG (therarbg.to).
◆ SearchEngines: (del) KATcr is broken, TorrentZ2 is gone, ETTV is gone, Zooqle is gone, RarBG is gone, EzTV no results without cookie.
◆ SearchEngines: (fix) Limetorrrents DL links and new domain, 1337x DL links, TPB (*0.org) + fix details link, TPB mirror resolver (piratebayproxy.net), torrentdownloads new domain, fix details link for Jackett indexers.
◆ Standalone: (upgrade) NWJS 0.87.0 with Chromium 124.
◆ Standalone: (fix) Prevent Chromium 112+ freezing tabs if idle. Switch chromium-args: --flag-switches-begin --disable-features=HighEfficiencyModeAvailable --flag-switches-end.
◆ Standalone: (fix) Rework saving widow position.
◆ Standalone: (new) Mac OSX ARM64 package now available.
◆ TorrentClient: (new) Introducing tTorrent client.
◆ TorrentClient: (fix) replace deprecated rTorrent calls, add support for qBitTorrent 4.2+, ignore aria2 metadata file reports.
◆ TorrentClient: (fix) qBitTorrent 4.5+ fix API call to remove torrent
◆ TorrentClient: (fix) qBitTorrent 5.0+ fix API call to start/stop torrent
◆ TorrentClient: (fix) Upgrade Tixati API for 2.86+. Note that older versions are no longer supported.
◆ TorrentClient: (new) drop support for qBt prior to 4.1
◆ TorrentDialogs: (fix) magnetLinks were being submitted twice due to NWJS bug.
◆ TorrentDialogs: (add) Add WEB to the quality list of the torrent search dialogues.
◆ TorrentDialogs: (fix) Trap SE errors so dialogues can report.
◆ TorrentDialog2: (add) individual SE spinners during searching.
◆ TorrentMonitor: (fix) Auto-Stop-All now works as intended.
◆ Trakt: (new) Preserve watched timestamp from Trakt.TV during import.
◆ TraktTrending: (new) Add option to view by Ended, Returning or Cancelled.
◆ TraktTrending: (new) Now updated Daily instead of Weekly.
◆ TraktUpdateServices: (fix) Support added for new API restrictions.
◆ Misc: Bug fixes and template style updates.
For the release packages see https://github.com/DuckieTV/Nightlies/releases/latest
The DuckieTV Nightly is essentially DuckieTV 1.1.6 source packaged daily under the Nightly badge, and the only builds available ATM.