A Python package to download bicycle traffic count data from the STADTRADELN database.
This package installs two things:
- The executable
: A command line interface (cli) for downloading, extracting and clipping STADTRADELN datasets. - The library
: Methods for importing STADTRADELN datasets topandas
$ # Show available commands
$ stadtradeln-data-manager --help
$ # Download and extract 2020's "verkehrsmengen" dataset to /tmp/stadtradeln_data/.
$ # Instead of "verkehrsmengen" you can also choose "geschwindigkeiten".
$ # use `stadtradeln-data-manager download --help` for more options.
$ stadtradeln-data-manager download 2020 verkehrsmengen
$ stadtradeln-data-manager extract 2020 verkehrsmengen
$ # Clip them to the area of Freiburg im Breisgau.
$ # Stores the resulting file in the same directory as the source file.
$ # Here: /tmp/stadtradeln_data/verkehrsmengen_2020_clipped.csv
$ stadtradeln-data-manager clip 2020 verkehrsmengen -latmin 7.616 -latmax 8.112 -lonmin 47.87 -lonmax 48.11
import stadtradeln_data_tools as sdt
# Assumes that you have previously downloaded and extracted a dataset
df = sdt.load_csv("/tmp/stadtradeln_data/verkehrsmengen_2020_clipped.csv")
# Possibly further clip the data
df = sdt.clip_dataset(
latitude_lim=(7.9, 8.1),
longitude_lim=(47.9, 48.1)
# Continue work with the pandas.DataFrame
$ pip install stadtradeln-data
- teelram-data: A friendly Python package to download traffic count data from Telraam.net. (not by me)
- This is a third-party package not officially affiliated with the STADTRADELN project.