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Foundations of Machine Learning

This repository contains foundational algorithms and models commonly used in machine learning. It serves as a resource for beginners to understand the core concepts and implementation of essential techniques. The repository is organized into two main folders: PCA and Simple NN Model.

NN-From-Scratch (Simple Neural Network Model)

The NN-From-Scratch folder contains a basic implementation of a neural network from scratch using Python. This model serves as a foundation for understanding the fundamental concepts of neural networks, including forward propagation, backward propagation, and gradient descent.



The implementation of the forward pass for the one hidden layer neural network can be found in the above file.

This file contains the code for performing the forward and backward pass operations. It includes functions to compute the activations of the hidden layer and the output layer, given the input features and the model parameters, it also includes calculating the gradients of the functions to be used for gradient descent.

  • Forward Pass


    Neural Network Architecture

This is a demonstration of the forward pass for a one-hidden-layer neural network with the output layer for classification tasks. The forward pass is a fundamental step in neural network computation, where input data is propagated through the network to generate predictions.

The neural network architecture consists of three layers:

  1. Input Layer: The input layer receives the feature values of the input data.
  2. Hidden Layer: The hidden layer applies a set of weights and biases to the input data, followed by an activation function (sigmoid in our example).
  3. Output Layer: The output layer produces the final predictions based on the transformed features from the hidden layer.
  • Backward Pass


    Neural Network Backward Pass

Backpropagation is a core algorithm in neural network training, enabling adjustments of weights and biases to minimize prediction errors. It iteratively propagates errors backward through the network layers, using the chain rule of calculus to efficiently compute gradients. This process enables the optimization of network parameters via gradient descent, forming the foundation of modern deep learning frameworks and facilitating training of complex neural architectures for diverse machine learning tasks.

  • Gradient Descent:


    Gradient Descent

Gradient descent is a fundamental optimization algorithm used to minimize the loss function by iteratively adjusting the model parameters. In our context, we update the weights W1,W2,b1,b2 of a neural network for classification.

  • W1 <- W1 - alpha * dL_dW1
  • W2 <- W2 - alpha * dL_dW2
  • b1 <- b1 - alpha * dL_db1
  • b2 <- b2 - alpha * dL_db2


The SimpleNN class in is a basic implementation of a neural network. Its main components and functionality:

  • Initialization:

    • The constructor __init__ allows users to define the architecture of the neural network by specifying the number of input features (h0), neurons in the first hidden layer (h1), and neurons in the second hidden layer (h2).
  • Forward Pass:

    • The forward_pass method performs the forward pass through the neural network, computing the activations of each layer.
  • Backward Pass:

    • The backward_pass method computes the gradients of the cost function with respect to the parameters of the network during backpropagation.
  • Parameter Update:

    • The update method updates the parameters of the network using the computed gradients and a specified learning rate (alpha).
  • Prediction:

    • The predict method applies the trained network to make predictions on new data.


To use the SimpleNN class, users need to:

  1. Import:

    • Import the SimpleNN class from
  2. Initialization:

    • Create an instance of SimpleNN by specifying the network architecture.
  3. Training and Prediction:

    • Train the network using training data and labels, then make predictions on new data.


Ensure that the necessary dependencies, particularly numpy, are installed to utilize the numerical computations within the class effectively.


The file in this repository provides functions for generating synthetic data and splitting it into training and testing sets. Here's a summary of the provided functions:

Data Generation

The generate_data function generates synthetic data with two classes, each having two-dimensional features. It creates clusters for each class with a specified variance and concatenates them to form the dataset. The data is shuffled randomly before returning.

Train-Test Split

The train_test_split function splits the generated data into training and testing sets based on a specified ratio. It uses the generated data from generate_data and separates it into training and testing subsets according to the provided ratio.


To use the dataset functions:

  1. Import:

    • Import the generate_data and train_test_split functions from into your Python script:
    from dataset import generate_data, train_test_split


The file in this repository contains implementations of the sigmoid activation function and its derivative. These functions are commonly used in neural networks for introducing non-linearity into the model and computing gradients during backpropagation.


  • sigmoid(z):

    • Computes the sigmoid activation function for the given input.
    • Parameters:
      • z: numpy array or scalar
    • Returns:
      • numpy array or scalar
        • Result of applying the sigmoid function element-wise to the input.
  • d_sigmoid(z):

    • Computes the derivative of the sigmoid activation function for the given input.
    • Parameters:
      • z: numpy array or scalar
    • Returns:
      • numpy array or scalar
        • Result of applying the derivative of the sigmoid function element-wise to the input.


  1. Importing:

    • First, ensure that is in your Python project directory.
    • Then, you can import the functions into your Python script as follows:
    from sigmoid import sigmoid, d_sigmoid


The file in this repository contains functions for evaluating machine learning models, including loss and accuracy calculations. Here's a summary of the provided functions:

Loss Calculation

The loss function computes the cross-entropy loss between predicted labels (y_pred) and true labels (Y). It is commonly used in classification tasks to measure the difference between predicted probabilities and actual class labels.

Accuracy Calculation

The accuracy function calculates the accuracy of a model's predictions. It compares predicted labels (y_pred) with true labels (y) and computes the proportion of correct predictions over the total number of samples.


To use the evaluation functions:

  1. Import:

    • Import the loss and accuracy functions from into your Python script:
    from evaluations import loss, accuracy


The script in this repository ties everything together and manages the training, evaluation, and testing of a neural network using various modules and functionalities provided in other files. Here's an overview of what does and how to use it:

Importing Dependencies

The script imports necessary modules and functions from other files within the repository:

  • numpy for numerical computations.
  • train_test_split function from to split the data into training and testing sets.
  • SimpleNN class from for creating and training the neural network.
  • sigmoid functions from for implementing activation functions.
  • evaluations module for computing evaluation metrics such as loss and accuracy.

Training and Testing

The script performs the following steps:

  1. Data Splitting: Calls train_test_split to split the dataset into training and testing sets.
  2. Neural Network Initialization: Initializes a neural network using the SimpleNN class.
  3. Training Loop:
    • Iterates over a specified number of epochs.
    • Performs forward and backward passes through the neural network.
    • Updates the parameters based on computed gradients using gradient descent.
    • Optionally, prints the training and testing loss at certain intervals.
  4. Evaluation:
    • Computes and prints the training and testing accuracies using the trained model.


To use

  1. Ensure Dependencies:
    • Make sure all necessary Python files (,,, are in the same directory as
  2. Run the Script:
    • Simply execute using Python:

Usage for the NN-From-Scratch

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone

PCA (Principal Component Analysis)

The PCA folder contains implementations of the Principal Component Analysis algorithm, a widely used technique for dimensionality reduction and data visualization in machine learning. PCA helps in identifying patterns in data and reducing its complexity while preserving important information.


  • This file contains the implementation of the PCA algorithm. It includes functions for calculating principal components, transforming data, and reconstructing original features from reduced dimensions.

  • The file contains the implementation of the same PCA algorithm by using class.


  • Initialization:

    • The constructor __init__ initializes the PCA object with the desired number of principal components (n_components).
  • Fit Method:

    • The fit method computes the principal components from the input data matrix X. It calculates the mean, covariance matrix, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors, sorts them in descending order, and selects the top n_components for further analysis.
  • Transform Method:

    • The transform method projects the input data matrix X onto the principal components computed during the fitting process, providing a lower-dimensional representation of the data.


To use the PCA class:

  1. Initialization:

    • Create an instance of the PCA class by specifying the number of principal components:
    pca = PCA(n_components=2)


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone

K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Algorithm

This repository contains Python implementations of the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm for classification tasks. The KNN algorithm is a simple and effective method for classification and regression tasks.


This file contains the implementation of the KNN algorithm. The KNN class provides methods for training the model, predicting labels for new data points, and evaluating the performance of the model.

The file includes functions for loading and preprocessing datasets. It provides functionalities to split the dataset into training and testing sets, as well as methods for normalizing or standardizing the data. serves as the main entry point to demonstrate the usage of the KNN algorithm. It contains example code to load a dataset, train a KNN model, make predictions, and evaluate the model's performance.

This file contains auxiliary functions used in the KNN algorithm implementation, such as distance calculations and vote counting.


To use the KNN algorithm for classification tasks:

  1. Ensure you have Python installed on your system.
  2. Clone this repository:
git clone


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