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External data: DayMet update to version 3
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dschlaep committed Sep 19, 2016
1 parent 9068355 commit 780d709
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Showing 2 changed files with 97 additions and 57 deletions.
138 changes: 84 additions & 54 deletions 2_SWSF_p4of5_Code_v51.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -572,10 +572,14 @@ if(exinfo$GriddedDailyWeatherFromDayMet_NorthAmerica){
#extract daily weather information for the grid cell coded by latitude/longitude for each simulation run
# - article: Thornton, P.E., Running, S.W., White, M.A. 1997. Generating surfaces of daily meteorological variables over large regions of complex terrain. Journal of Hydrology 190: 214 - 251.
# - dataset: Thornton, P.E., M.M. Thornton, B.W. Mayer, N. Wilhelmi, Y. Wei, R. Devarakonda, and R.B. Cook. 2014. Daymet: Daily Surface Weather Data on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 2. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. Time period: YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD. Spatial range: N=DD.DD, S=DD.DD, E=DDD.DD, W=DDD.DD.

stopifnot(file.exists(dir.ex.daymet <- file.path(, "DayMet_NorthAmerica", "DownloadedSingleCells_FromDayMet_NorthAmerica")))
stopifnot(require(DaymetR)) #
# - dataset v2: Thornton, P.E., M.M. Thornton, B.W. Mayer, N. Wilhelmi, Y. Wei, R. Devarakonda, and R.B. Cook. 2014. Daymet: Daily Surface Weather Data on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 2. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. Time period: YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD. Spatial range: N=DD.DD, S=DD.DD, E=DDD.DD, W=DDD.DD.
# - dataset v3: Thornton, P.E., M.M. Thornton, B.W. Mayer, Y. Wei, R. Devarakonda, R.S. Vose, and R.B. Cook. 2016. Daymet: Daily Surface Weather Data on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. Time period: YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD. Spatial Range: N=DD.DD, S=DD.DD, E=DDD.DD, W=DDD.DD.

#dir.ex.daymet <- file.path(, "DayMet_NorthAmerica", "DownloadedSingleCells_FromDayMetv2_NorthAmerica")
dir.ex.daymet <- file.path(, "DayMet_NorthAmerica", "DownloadedSingleCells_FromDayMetv3_NorthAmerica")
if (!file.exists(dir.ex.daymet))
stop("Directory for external dataset 'DayMet' does not exist:", shQuote(dir.ex.daymet))
stopifnot(require(DaymetR)) #

if(exinfo$GriddedDailyWeatherFromNRCan_10km_Canada && createAndPopulateWeatherDatabase){
Expand All @@ -591,99 +595,125 @@ if(exinfo$GriddedDailyWeatherFromNRCan_10km_Canada && createAndPopulateWeatherDa

#Functions to determine sources of daily weather; they write to global 'sites_dailyweather_source' and 'sites_dailyweather_names', i.e., the last entry is the one that will be used
dw_LookupWeatherFolder <- function(){
if(any(lwf_cond1, lwf_cond2, lwf_cond3, lwf_cond4)){
dw_LookupWeatherFolder <- function(sites_dailyweather_source) {
if (any(lwf_cond1, lwf_cond2, lwf_cond3, lwf_cond4)) {
# Check which requested lookup weather folders are available
pwd <- getwd()
setwd(file.path(, "LookupWeatherFolder"))
there <- rep(FALSE, times = runsN_sites)
if (lwf_cond1)
there <- there | sapply(runIDs_sites, FUN=function(ix) if(!$LookupWeatherFolder[ix])) file.exists(sw_input_treatments$LookupWeatherFolder[ix]) else FALSE)
if (lwf_cond2)
there <- there | sapply(runIDs_sites, FUN=function(ix) if(!$WeatherFolder[ix])) file.exists(SWRunInformation$WeatherFolder[ix]) else FALSE)
if (lwf_cond3)
there <- there | rep(any(sapply(sw_input_experimentals$LookupWeatherFolder, FUN=function(ix) file.exists(sw_input_experimentals$LookupWeatherFolder))), times = runsN_sites)
if(sum(there) > 0)
if (any(there))
sites_dailyweather_source[there] <<- "LookupWeatherFolder"

if(!be.quiet) print(paste("Data for", sum(there), "sites will come from 'LookupWeatherFolder'"))
if (!be.quiet)
print(paste("Data for", sum(there), "sites will come from 'LookupWeatherFolder'"))


dw_Maurer2002_NorthAmerica <- function(){
if(exinfo$GriddedDailyWeatherFromMaurer2002_NorthAmerica && (simstartyr >= 1949 && endyr <= 2010)){
dw_Maurer2002_NorthAmerica <- function(sites_dailyweather_source) {
# Check which requested Maurer weather data are available
Maurer <- with(SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, ], create_filename_for_Maurer2002_NorthAmerica(X_WGS84, Y_WGS84))
there <- sapply(Maurer, FUN=function(im) file.exists(file.path(dir.ex.maurer2002, im)))
if(sum(there) > 0){
sites_dailyweather_source[there] <<- "Maurer2002_NorthAmerica"
sites_dailyweather_names[there] <<- paste0(SWRunInformation$Label[runIDs_sites][there], "_", Maurer[there])
if(!be.quiet) print(paste("Data for", sum(there), "sites will come from 'Maurer2002_NorthAmerica'"))
there <- simstartyr >= 1949 && endyr <= 2010
if (any(there)) {
Maurer <- with(SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, ], create_filename_for_Maurer2002_NorthAmerica(X_WGS84, Y_WGS84))
there <- vapply(Maurer, function(im) file.exists(file.path(dir.ex.maurer2002, im)), FUN.VALUE = NA)
if (any(there)) {
sites_dailyweather_source[there] <- "Maurer2002_NorthAmerica"
sites_dailyweather_names[there] <- paste0(SWRunInformation$Label[runIDs_sites][there], "_", Maurer[there])
if (!be.quiet)
print(paste("Data for", sum(there), "sites will come from 'Maurer2002_NorthAmerica'"))


dw_DayMet_NorthAmerica <- function(){
if(exinfo$GriddedDailyWeatherFromDayMet_NorthAmerica && (simstartyr >= 1980 && endyr <= as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())$year+1900 - 1)){
dw_DayMet_NorthAmerica <- function(sites_dailyweather_source) {
if (exinfo$GriddedDailyWeatherFromDayMet_NorthAmerica) {
# Check which of the DayMet weather data are available
# - Temperature: 2-meter air temperature in Celsius degrees
# - Precipitation: mm/day; Daily total precipitation in millimeters per day, sum of all forms converted to water-equivalent. Precipitation occurrence on any given day may be ascertained.
# - Grids domain: -131.104 -52.95 52.000 14.53
# - Grids domain v2: -131.104 -52.95 52.00 14.53
# - Grids domain v3: -179 -52 83 14
# - Grids: Geographic Coordinate Reference: WGS_1984; Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic
# - Cells size: 1000 x 1000 m
# - All Daymet years, including leap years, have 1 - 365 days. For leap years, the Daymet database includes leap day. Values for December 31 are discarded from leap years to maintain a 365-day year.
there <- (SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "X_WGS84"] >= -131.104 & SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "X_WGS84"] <= -52.95) & (SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "Y_WGS84"] >= 14.53 & SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "Y_WGS84"] <= 52)
if(sum(there) > 0){
sites_dailyweather_source[there] <<- "DayMet_NorthAmerica"
sites_dailyweather_names[there] <<- with(SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites[there], ], paste0(Label, "_DayMet", formatC(X_WGS84, digits=4, format="f"), "_", formatC(Y_WGS84, digits=4, format="f")))
if(!be.quiet) print(paste("Data for", sum(there), "sites will come from 'DayMet_NorthAmerica'"))
there <- simstartyr >= 1980 && endyr <= as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())$year+1900 - 1
if (any(there)) {
there <- (SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "X_WGS84"] >= -179 &
SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "X_WGS84"] <= -5) &
(SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "Y_WGS84"] >= 14 &
SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "Y_WGS84"] <= 83)
if (any(there)) {
sites_dailyweather_source[there] <- "DayMet_NorthAmerica"
sites_dailyweather_names[there] <- with(SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites[there], ], paste0(Label, "_DayMet", formatC(X_WGS84, digits=4, format="f"), "_", formatC(Y_WGS84, digits=4, format="f")))
if (!be.quiet)
print(paste("Data for", sum(there), "sites will come from 'DayMet_NorthAmerica'"))


dw_NRCan_10km_Canada <- function(){
if(exinfo$GriddedDailyWeatherFromNRCan_10km_Canada && (simstartyr >= 1950 && endyr <= 2013)){
dw_NRCan_10km_Canada <- function(sites_dailyweather_source) {
if (exinfo$GriddedDailyWeatherFromNRCan_10km_Canada) {
# Check which of the NRCan weather data are available
# - Temperature: Celsius degrees
# - Precipitation: mm
# - Grids domain: 141.00 to 52.00 W, 41.00 to 83.00 N
# - Grids datum: geographic NAD83
# - Columns: 1068, Rows: 510, Cells size: 0.083333333
nrc_test <- raster(file.path(dir.ex.NRCan, "1950", "max1950_1.asc"))
projection(nrc_test) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4269 +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0") # see
sp_locs <- SpatialPoints(coords=SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, c("X_WGS84", "Y_WGS84")], proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"))
there <- !, y=spTransform(sp_locs, CRSobj=CRS(projection(nrc_test)))))
if(sum(there) > 0){
sites_dailyweather_source[there] <<- "NRCan_10km_Canada"
sites_dailyweather_names[there] <<- with(SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites[there], ], paste0(Label, "_NRCan", formatC(X_WGS84, digits=4, format="f"), "_", formatC(Y_WGS84, digits=4, format="f")))
there <- simstartyr >= 1950 && endyr <= 2013
if (any(there)) {
nrc_test <- raster::raster(file.path(dir.ex.NRCan, "1950", "max1950_1.asc"))
raster::CRS(nrc_test) <- raster::CRS("+init=epsg:4269 +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0") # see
sp_locs <- sp::SpatialPoints(coords = SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, c("X_WGS84", "Y_WGS84")], proj4string = CRS("+init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"))
there <- !, y = spTransform(sp_locs, CRSobj = raster::CRS(projection(nrc_test)))))
if (any(there)) {
sites_dailyweather_source[there] <<- "NRCan_10km_Canada"
sites_dailyweather_names[there] <<- with(SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites[there], ], paste0(Label, "_NRCan", formatC(X_WGS84, digits=4, format="f"), "_", formatC(Y_WGS84, digits=4, format="f")))
if(!be.quiet) print(paste("Data for", sum(there), "sites will come from 'NRCan_10km_Canada'"))


dw_NCEPCFSR_Global <- function(){
dw_NCEPCFSR_Global <- function(sites_dailyweather_source) {
if(exinfo$GriddedDailyWeatherFromNCEPCFSR_Global && (simstartyr >= 1979 && endyr <= 2010)){
# Check which of the NCEPCFSR_Global weather data are available
# - Grids domain: 0E to 359.688E and 89.761N to 89.761S
there <- (SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "X_WGS84"] >= 0 - 180 & SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "X_WGS84"] <= 360 - 180) & (SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "Y_WGS84"] >= -89.761 & SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "Y_WGS84"] <= 89.761)
if(sum(there) > 0){
sites_dailyweather_source[there] <<- "NCEPCFSR_Global"
sites_dailyweather_names[there] <<- with(SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites[there], ], paste0(Label, "_CFSR", formatC(X_WGS84, digits=4, format="f"), "_", formatC(Y_WGS84, digits=4, format="f")))
if(!be.quiet) print(paste("Data for", sum(there), "sites will come from 'NCEPCFSR_Global'"))
there <- simstartyr >= 1950 && endyr <= 2013
if (any(there)) {
there <- (SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "X_WGS84"] >= 0 - 180 & SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "X_WGS84"] <= 360 - 180) & (SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "Y_WGS84"] >= -89.761 & SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites, "Y_WGS84"] <= 89.761)
if (any(there)) {
sites_dailyweather_source[there] <- "NCEPCFSR_Global"
sites_dailyweather_names[there] <- with(SWRunInformation[runIDs_sites[there], ], paste0(Label, "_CFSR", formatC(X_WGS84, digits=4, format="f"), "_", formatC(Y_WGS84, digits=4, format="f")))
if (!be.quiet)
print(paste("Data for", sum(there), "sites will come from 'NCEPCFSR_Global'"))


#Determine order of priorities (highest priority comes last)
sites_dailyweather_names <- rep(NA, times=length(sites_dailyweather_source))
dailyweather_priorities <- rev(paste("dw", dailyweather_options, sep="_"))
for(idw in dailyweather_priorities) get(idw)()
sites_dailyweather_names <- rep(NA, times = length(sites_dailyweather_source))
dailyweather_priorities <- rev(paste("dw", dailyweather_options, sep = "_"))
for (idw in dailyweather_priorities)
sites_dailyweather_source <- get(idw)(sites_dailyweather_source)

Expand Down
16 changes: 13 additions & 3 deletions 2_SWSF_p5of5_Functions_v51.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2020,6 +2020,11 @@ get_DayMet_cellID <- compiler::cmpfun(function(coords_WGS84) {

#' @return A list of which each element represents one year of daily weather data of class \linkS4class{swWeatherData}.
#' Units are [degree Celsius] for temperature and [cm / day] and for precipitation.
#' @references
#' \href{}{daymet website}
#' publication: Thornton, P.E., Running, S.W., White, M.A. 1997. Generating surfaces of daily meteorological variables over large regions of complex terrain. Journal of Hydrology 190: 214 - 251.
#' dataset v3: Thornton, P.E., M.M. Thornton, B.W. Mayer, Y. Wei, R. Devarakonda, R.S. Vose, and R.B. Cook. 2016. Daymet: Daily Surface Weather Data on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. Time period: YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD. Spatial Range: N=DD.DD, S=DD.DD, E=DDD.DD, W=DDD.DD.
#' \hred{}{DaymetR package}
get_DayMet_NorthAmerica <- compiler::cmpfun(function(dir_data, cellID, Xdm_WGS84, Ydm_WGS84, start_year = simstartyr, end_year = endyr) {
# Filename for data of this 1-km cell
ftemp <- file.path(dir_data, paste0(cellID, "_", start_year, "_", end_year, ".csv"))
Expand All @@ -2033,6 +2038,7 @@ get_DayMet_NorthAmerica <- compiler::cmpfun(function(dir_data, cellID, Xdm_WGS84
# DaymetR package:
dm_temp <- try(DaymetR::download.daymet(site=cellID, lat=Ydm_WGS84, lon=Xdm_WGS84, start_yr=start_year, end_yr=end_year, internal=TRUE, quiet=TRUE), silent=TRUE)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2068,8 +2074,8 @@ get_DayMet_NorthAmerica <- compiler::cmpfun(function(dir_data, cellID, Xdm_WGS84

# Clean up
if (exists(cellID, envir=.GlobalEnv))
rm(list=cellID, envir=.GlobalEnv)
if (exists(cellID, envir = .GlobalEnv))
rm(list = cellID, envir = .GlobalEnv)

Expand All @@ -2090,6 +2096,10 @@ ExtractGriddedDailyWeatherFromDayMet_NorthAmerica_swWeather <- compiler::cmpfun(
# Function to be executed for all SoilWat-sites together
#' @return An invisible zero. A list of which each element represents one year of daily weather data of class \linkS4class{swWeatherData}. The list is copied to the weather database.
#' Units are [degree Celsius] for temperature and [cm / day] and for precipitation.
#' @references
#' \href{}{daymet website}
#' publication: Thornton, P.E., Running, S.W., White, M.A. 1997. Generating surfaces of daily meteorological variables over large regions of complex terrain. Journal of Hydrology 190: 214 - 251.
#' dataset v3: Thornton, P.E., M.M. Thornton, B.W. Mayer, Y. Wei, R. Devarakonda, R.S. Vose, and R.B. Cook. 2016. Daymet: Daily Surface Weather Data on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. Time period: YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD. Spatial Range: N=DD.DD, S=DD.DD, E=DDD.DD, W=DDD.DD.
ExtractGriddedDailyWeatherFromDayMet_NorthAmerica_dbW <- compiler::cmpfun(function(dir_data, site_ids, coords_WGS84, start_year, end_year, dir_temp = tempdir(), dbW_compression_type = "gzip") {
print(paste("Started 'ExtractGriddedDailyWeatherFromDayMet_NorthAmerica' at", Sys.time()))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2126,7 +2136,7 @@ ExtractGriddedDailyWeatherFromDayMet_NorthAmerica_dbW <- compiler::cmpfun(functi
site_ids_done <- c(site_ids_done, site_ids_todo[idm])
saveRDS(site_ids_done, file = wtemp_file)
} else {
warning(paste(Sys.time(), "DayMet data extraction NOT successful for site", site_ids_todo[idm]))
print(paste(Sys.time(), "DayMet data extraction NOT successful for site", site_ids_todo[idm], weatherData))
Expand Down

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