An image board engine written in golang.
Uses CSS instead of JS for some common features
Expanding thumbnails
Linked-to post highlighting
Takes advantage of Nginx capabilities
Banners without JS
Theme picker without JS
Editing or deleting your last post without JS
Files keep their original name when downloaded
Video embedding without JS(uses ytp-dl)
Supports using an external url blacklist
Webp thumbnails
Uses Sqlite by default
No PHP or Perl
RSS support
sudo apt install build-essential cmake git libvips-dev libavformat-dev libswresample-dev libavcodec-dev libavutil-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev
sudo apt install golang-go/bookworm-backports
Or compile the latest version of Go
sudo apt install yt-dlp/bookworm-backports
go mod init modules
go mod tidy
go build --tags "fts5" -o engine *.go
The file was compiled from this repo:
gcc --shared -fPIC -I sqlite-autoconf-3071100 icu_replace.c -o
To use nginx
wget (current version from
tar -xzvf nginx-(current version).tar.gz
git clone
git clone
cd nginx-(current version)
sudo ./configure --add-module=../ngx_devel_kit --add-module=../ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module
sudo make & make install
quote: >example
reply: >>1
cross-board reply: >>/board/1
spoiler: ~~example~~
bold: **example**
italics: __example__
code block: ``` example ```
shift jis: @@@ example @@@