Comm Design Year 2 Class
This is the starting point for my SKO (Student Knowledge Object)
The general layout of this Github Project will change throughout the semester, for now there will be a new file for each post weekly, the images and resources that I use for each post will be confined within a folder, within this folder there will be sub folders of each week so that it is a little easier to sort through all of the images and gifs I will be capturing.
As we begin to dive more into construction of our own generative design projects I will begin to post some of the code that I have done in a separate folder and again have this organised into the parts of the code, I will also describe this process through comments, more for my own understanding and categorisation than anything.
By the end of this project I hope to have many posts detailing the classes and what was done during them, as well as some side posts detailing my progress with my project.