Always start by work on a copy branch of release
- Name your PR explicit (like: release.My_awsomewNewFeature) that will help me a lot.
- Detailed changelog of what you did (using emoji please that will be more clean).
- every PR MUST be tested before making a PR.
Be sure to follow the versioning syntax already in place using gitmoji.dev
- The discord bot have this own documentation can be found here : https://bit.ly/clara_oswald-wiki
- Essential moderation command (kick,timeout,ban,clear)
- Talking as bot
- Welcome Message with canvas
- Auto-role when joining
- Leaving random message
- Ping command
- Embed example command
- Event on message create with some auto reply (exept from bot)
- Custom pickPresence
- Youtube new Video notification
- Twitch Live notification
- Dockerfile create .env from .env.example
- Bot auto log message create (exept from bot)
- Bot auto log message modify (exept from bot)
- Bot auto log message delete (exept from bot)
- Bot auto log interaction/command used (exept from bot)
- Twitter notification
- Tracking invite creator number member coming by
- Tracking number of member on discord (put in a channel name)
- Ticket management
- Make a doc for the settings of the bot before sharing the invitation link in public