Automatic environmental sound classification (ESC) based on ESC-50 dataset (and ESC-10 subset) built by Karol Piczak and described in the following article:
"Karol J. Piczak. 2015. "ESC: Dataset for Environmental Sound Classification." In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Multimedia (MM '15). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1015–1018.".
ESC-50 dataset is available from Dr. Piczak's Github: The following recent article is a descriptive survey for Environmental sound classification (ESC) detailing datasets, preprocessing techniques, features and classifiers. And their accuracy.
Anam Bansal, Naresh Kumar Garg, "Environmental Sound Classification: A descriptive review of the literature, Intelligent Systems with Applications, Volume 16, 2022, 200115, ISSN 2667-3053,
Dr. Piczak maintains a Table with best results in his Github, with authors, publication, method used. We reproduce the top of the Table here, for supervised classification.
Title | Notes | Accuracy | Paper | Code |
BEATs: Audio Pre-Training with Acoustic Tokenizers | Transformer model pretrained with acoustic tokenizers | 98.10% | chen2022 | 📜 |
HTS-AT: A Hierarchical Token-Semantic Audio Transformer for Sound Classification and Detection | Transformer model with hierarchical structure and token-semantic modules | 97.00% | chen2022 | 📜 |
CLAP: Learning Audio Concepts From Natural Language Supervision | CNN model pretrained by natural language supervision | 96.70% | elizalde2022 | 📜 |
AST: Audio Spectrogram Transformer | Pure Attention Model Pretrained on AudioSet | 95.70% | gong2021 | 📜 |
Connecting the Dots between Audio and Text without Parallel Data through Visual Knowledge Transfer | A Transformer model pretrained w/ visual image supervision | 95.70% | zhao2022 | 📜 |
We develop our own pre-processing techniques for achieving best accuracy results based on Dr. Piczak Table and Bansal et al.
At that point, and before we start working on more advanced techniques:
- we work with the ESC-10 sub-dataset.
- we test mel-spectrograms and wavelet transforms.
We will train a Convolution Neural Network with grayscale spectrograms and scalograms. We target an accuracy >>90 %.
When tests with the most effective CNN algorithm implementation are completed, we will run predictions with various audio clips downloaded from Youtube. And eventually update CNN hyperparameters.
The ESC-10 dataset contains 5 seconds long 400 Ogg Vorbis audio clips: sampling frequency: 44.1 kHz, 32- bits float, and 10 classes.
40 audio clips per class.
The 10 Sound/Noise classes are:
- Class = 01-Dogbark, Label = 0
- Class = 02-Rain, Label = 1
- Class = 03-Seawaves, Label = 2
- Class = 04-Babycry, Label = 3
- Class = 05-Clocktick, Label = 4
- Class = 06-Personsneeze, Label = 5
- Class = 07-Helicopter, Label = 6
- Class = 08-Chainsaw, Label = 7
- Class = 09-Rooster, Label = 8
- Class = 10-Firecrackling, Label = 9
Quick analysis of the type of sound/noise:
- dogbarking, babycry, person sneeze, rooster, involve non-linear vibration and resonance of vocal (or nasal) tract and cords, a bit like speech, and is considered non-stationnary.
- Rain, sea waves are somewhat stationary, rain sounds a bit like white noise. Pseudo-stationnary because in various audio clips other noises are involved at times.
- Helicopter, chainsaw: pseudo-stationary. If the engine r.p.m does not change in a timeframe, the process is stationary. With harmonics linked to the engine rpm, number of cylinders, and the number of rotor blades (helicopter).
- Fire crakling: impulsive noise. But with pseudo-stationary background noise.
- Clock tick: It depends. Impulsive every second (frequency= 1 Hz). But in some audio clips, there are several "pulsations" in a 1 second time frame. And the ticks have the signature of a non-linear mechanical vibration that radiates sound, with harmonics.
- In an effort to reduce the size of the problem and computation time, while retaining relevant information, we:
- reduce audio sampling frequency from 44.1 kHz to 22.05 kHz.
- reduce the size of audio clips, to 1.25s, based on signal power considerations. Too many audio clips have occurences of the same sound phenomenon: dog barking, baby crying for example and most of the signal is "silence".
- Normalize audio signal amplitude to 1. (0 dBFS).
- Compute mel-spectrograms or Wavelet transforms in the 10 classes. We empirically optimized wavelet selection. And wavelet transform parameters.
- Reduce the size of scalograms in the time domain (some details are lost).
- Train a CNN on 256x256 grayscale mel-spectrograms or 2 series of 128x128 grayscale scalograms: magnitude and phase. Train/Test split: 80/20 %
We tested three methods:
- Mel-spectrograms.
- Complex Continuous Wavelet Transforms (complex CWT).
- Fusion mel-spectrograms + complex CWT.
After a 80%/20% train/test sets split, we train a Convolutional Neural Networks with 32-64-128-256 neurons hidden layers. Parameters are detailed in the notebooks CNN section.
Note: Although mel-spectrograms and wavelet transforms are shown in color, the CNN is trained with grayscale images.
Best accuracy with 3 different methods are synthesized in the the Table below.
Method | Accuracy |
256x256 Mel-spectrograms | 92.5 % |
128x128 Complex CWT Scalograms Magnitude + Phase | 94 % |
128x128 Fusion Complex CWT + Mel-Spectrograms | 99 % |
Details of the best result with the "Fusion" method:
All Jupyter Notebooks share the same structure.
The classification method and the CNN model were updated. Older Jupyter Notebooks: Part I. II. III. are at the bottom.
This notebook is an improved version of Part III. We implement a 2-stage classification process:
STAGE I: Pre-classification
We define two sounds classes A,B:
- “Harmonics sounds”: Dog barking, Baby cry, Clock tick, Person sneeze, Helicopter, Chainsaw, Rooster.
- “Non-harmonics sounds”: Rain, Seawaves, Fire crackling.
Methodology: Stage I |
Classification report | Confusion matrix |
A 100% acuracy classification was achieved with Mel-spectrograms defined between 0-2000Hz and a CNN model.
At the moment this stage is left as an exercise. We will propose a simpler method.
STAGE II: Classification:
We apply two sets of complex continuous wavelets to each sound class A, B and run the whole classification problem with a multi-feature CNN: CWT Magntitude and Phase + Mel-spectrograms
Methodology Stage II |
Classification report | Confusion matrix |
The remaining confusion: "sea wave" "rain" is solved by developping a transform of the CWT: aT-CWT .
Preliminary results are presented in Part V. The aT-CWT transform is currently confidential.
Discriminating "sea wave" and "rain" is a challenge given the quasi Gaussian nature of the sound in both cases.
We were able to solve it with a criteria replacing the unwrap CWT phase and we achieved 100% accuracy.
This criteria is an advanced Transform of the CWT that we called aT-CWT
The new aT-CWT transform:
- can have the dimensions of the other features: Mel spectrograms, CWT magnitude and phase. In the present study: 128x128.
- the time localization info of the CWT is lost. aT-CWT makes sense for:
- stationary, pseudo-stationary sounds even for large period of time (here 1.25s) which is the case with the "no-harmonics" sounds in the present ESC-10 dataset.
- any type of signals (including non stationary) in very short time frames. For example: speech, frame= 32 ms, fs= 16kHz (512 points).
Using the strategy decribed in this Notebook, and replacing the unwrap CWT phase with the new aT-CWT Transform in the "no-harmonics" subset, we were able to reach 100% accuracy.
'cgau5' CWT of a ESC-10 'Sea Wave' (116): Magnitude + Phase |
'cgau5' CWT of a ESC-10 'Rain' (48): Magnitude + Phase |
Sea wave aT-CWT transform Units are hidden. |
Rain aT-CWT transform Units are hidden. |
At the moment, the aT-CWT Transform is confidential.
The aT-CWT Transform may help with the difficult "cocktail party problem" and Speech (or Voice) Activity Detection.
At some point, the transform will be published and the ESC-10 notebook with 100% accuracy will be made public.
Classification report | Confusion matrix |
Initial tests with Mel-Spectrogram, complex CWT, and multi-feature Mel-spectrogram + complex CWT CNN models.
Reduction of audio clips length and optimization of mel-spectrogram parameters for best discrimination of sound categories. We train the CNN with 256x256 grayscale images. Accuracy: ~92.5%
Optimization of wavelet selection and parameters for best discrimination of sound classes.
Wavelet selection: the difficulty here is the selection of the right wavelet suited to the full range of noise types: pseudo-stationary, non-stationary, transient/impulsive.
Applying different wavelets to each type of sound significantly improves classification accuracy. We train the CNN with 2 128x128 grayscale images per audio clip: scalogram magnitude and phase. Accuracy ~ 94%.
Combining Mel-Spectrograms (Part I) with Complex Wavelets Transforms (Part II) enhances accuracy with features that are difficult to discriminate. We train the CNN with 3 128x128 grayscale images per audio clip. Accuracy. ~ 99%.
The ESC-50 dataset is a labeled collection of 2000 environmental audio recordings suitable for benchmarking methods of environmental sound classification.
The dataset consists of 5-second-long recordings organized into 50 semantical classes (with 40 examples per class) loosely arranged into 5 major categories:
Class | Label |
Dog bark | 0 |
Rain | 1 |
Seawaves | 2 |
Baby cry | 3 |
Clock tick | 4 |
Person sneeze | 5 |
Helicopter | 6 |
Chainsaw | 7 |
Rooster | 8 |
Firecrackling | 9 |
Clips in this dataset have been manually extracted from public field recordings gathered by the project. The dataset has been prearranged into 5 folds for comparable cross-validation, making sure that fragments from the same original source file are contained in a single fold.
A more thorough description of the dataset is available in the original paper with some supplementary materials on GitHub: ESC: Dataset for Environmental Sound Classification - paper replication data.
2000 audio recordings in WAV format (5 seconds, 44.1 kHz, mono) with the following naming convention:
- index of the cross-validation fold,{CLIP_ID}
- ID of the original Freesound clip,{TAKE}
- letter disambiguating between different fragments from the same Freesound clip,{TARGET}
- class in numeric format [0, 49].
CSV file with the following structure:
filename fold target category esc10 src_file take The
column indicates if a given file belongs to the ESC-10 subset (10 selected classes, CC BY license). -
Additional data pertaining to the crowdsourcing experiment (human classification accuracy).
To run the code and reproduce the results,
- Download Anaconda for Python 3:
- Install Jupyter Lab: conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
- Install Jupyer Notebook: conda install -c conda-forge notebook
- Upload the prepared conda environment: conda env create -f stephane_dedieu_sound_classification.yml Activate the environment: conda activate stephane_dedieu_sound_classification
- Alternative to 4: pip install -r requirements.txt Sometimes librosa will not install, you can try then: -conda install -c numba numba -conda install -c conda-forge librosa
- Run the notebook: jupyter notebook
Ensure you have the following Python packages installed:
- pandas
- matplotlib
- numpy
- scikit-learn
- keras
- pydot
- tensorflow
- librosa
- glob2
- keras
- notebook
- librosa
- seaborn
- scikit-image
You can install these packages using pip:
pip install numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn scikit-learn tensorflow librosa
Using conda you can replicate the environment in stephane_dedieu_sound_classification.yml:
conda env create -n ENVNAME --file stephane_dedieu_sound_classification.yml
The dataset is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial license.
A smaller subset (clips tagged as ESC-10) is distributed under CC BY (Attribution).
Attributions for each clip are available in the LICENSE file.
If you find this dataset useful in an academic setting please cite:
K. J. Piczak. ESC: Dataset for Environmental Sound Classification. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Conference on Multimedia, Brisbane, Australia, 2015.
title = {{ESC}: {Dataset} for {Environmental Sound Classification}},
author = {Piczak, Karol J.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd {Annual ACM Conference} on {Multimedia}},
date = {2015-10-13},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/2733373.2806390},
location = {{Brisbane, Australia}},
isbn = {978-1-4503-3459-4},
publisher = {{ACM Press}},
pages = {1015--1018}
The ESC-10 subset is licensed as a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
( dataset.
Licensing/attribution details for individual audio clips are available in file: