u might wanna add anything u like here
area1: Package distribution center
area2: Open world with animals' home
area3: single scene for individual's home
Pickup/Drop package(button/click on package), interact with environment(door, bell, package distribution system)
package randomizer(it can be 4-5 orders generated each day, and player'd better choose around 2-3)
player control(platformer, the one for topdown is finished)
obstacle in air, their AI, can be idle/moving(lightening, cloud, wind, other deliverman, .... idk it can be a lot)
PublicVar: money, overall rating, speed(it should depend on package player carried), ....
package distribution system: basically a window with 4-5 randonmized orders, for each one u can either choose to accept it or not.
After u done ur decision and click on 'confirm', player quit the window,
and the package u choose will generate on the floor(might be came from an assembly line).
settlement window: just display text(public variables) would be fine i guess
title, instruction, pause page, (an ending page maybe when u reach some goal?)
During Delivering: package integrity, wind direction
waving wing, bell sound, thunder, wind, button sound(optional but I think it's good to have it)
maybe some bird call for the seagull when it hit the obstacle idk
Seagull(flying in topdown mode & idle/walking in platformer) with Animation
other animal, maybe only an avatar is enough, not sure yet
the open map
the obstacle
Sprite for UI(maybe there are open resources can be used)