Code to accompany work by Ian Philips, Jillian Anable and Tim Chatterton estimating the capability of people to travel by e-bike, their ability to replace car travel with e-bike use and the capability to reduce car CO2 emissions.
The Published article can be found here:
Philips, I., Anable, J., Chatterton, T., 2022. E-bikes and their capability to reduce car CO2 emissions. Transp. Policy
An open access link is here:,L-HRebg9
Many of the data sources are not openly available so the data is not provided here. We have given a list of data sources in the paper. Some of the data is available to researchers who register for access.
The folder example_capability_ebike contains code and dummy data allowing a minimal example to run.
The folder example_capability_ebike also contains the distribution of Vehicle km travelled by trip length used in the simulation.