An R repo estmiating car use for different purposes for English LSOAs
We investigated the potential for using a spatial microsimulation approach to generate small area estimates of car km travelled by purpose. We used two sources of data; a microsimulation based population projection (for the year 2017) and the English National Travel Survey anonymised individual records. We constructed the estimates of car km travelled for individuals within English LSOAs using Monte-Carlo Sampling. To understand the potential to develop this approach further we chose to retain small area estimates of total car km travelled and estimates of commute distance by purpose from the 2011 census for validation purposes. The results are promising and show potential for further development. The project was carried out principally using R, the code is stored in a repository to aid reproducibility and further development.
A paper based on this work is being presented at the European Transport conference in September 2020
This work was carried out by Claire Shadbolt supervised by Ian Philips as part of the LIDA data science internship scheme at the University of Leeds. The work is funded through Ian's ESRC research felloswhip