There is MAKE
tool for Small C by J. Hendrix
Good compiler, but toolchain definitly must be enhanced.
The second reason to recreate this utility - absent free
for DOS 16-bit (real mode). DJGPP offers just DPMI-based
does not support variables - smallest as possible.
is real small - just 5KB on your hard drive!
Source code 100% wroten in Small C (with Assembler inlines).
Nothing new. This is standart makefile text-file.
target1: [dependency1] [.. dependency2]
[.. build_command_2]
target2: [dependency2] [.. dependency3]
[.. build_command_z]
Difference with Make from GNU Toolchain (GNU-Make): GNU-make expect TAB-char before build_command, this make - expect SPACE or TAB (one or more).
By default, MAKE
start build first target.
Empty lines between targets - optional and not required. Diffrence between build command and targets - build commands lines starts from spaces (or tabs).
By default, MAKE
start search EXE and COM in current
directory and in PATH
If found - run.
If not found (it should be BAT or built-in command like COPY or DEL) - try execute
COMMAND.COM /C build_command
will be received from COMSPEC
env variable
So, if You wrote "cc mycool.c" it could start
K:\SMALLC20\CC.EXE mycool.c
K:\SMALLC22\CC.EXE mycool.c
depends to directory order in PATH
Just type
Must be in PATH
- Small C 2.2
- ASM (Small Assembler)
- VAL (linker)
- UPX (executable file compressor)
Some of this tools you can download for free from
- My Small-C "museum":
- UPX official site:
By default, VAL-linker put 0xFFFF into max memory
field (in exe-header).
It is means - DOS will allocate all available memory for programm, when
start it. It is bad choice, if you need start execute another child-program.
DOS could not got free memory for new process and return "no memory"
error (INT 21h, AX=4B00h will return CF and errcode 8).
So, I wrote exesize.exe
- patch for MAKE
's exe header, to avoid this
problem. This patch must be applied to fresh make.exe
after linking.
Here is no sense apply this patch more then once (second time - it will
change nothing).
Max target count - 1024
Max MAKEFILE size - 16KB
Public domain (The Unlicense