Memory Limiter is a little utility library that restarts a node.js process once it reaches a certain size. It is mainly interested for Heroku and the likes of it, once you have a resource leak and need a quick fix. This should enable your multi dyno server to continue running while you're trying to find the leak itself and fix it.
Installing Memory Limter is easy. Simply download the package from npm.
npm install memory_limit
It's very simple to use as well. You just warp all your code that runs on load in a function and pass that function the memory limiter.
var memLimit = require('./lib/memory_limiter');
then call memLimit only exported function:
memLimit.limitProcessMemory (3000 /*check every three seconds */, 100000000 /max process memory size in bytes/, mainFunction /the main function that runs your code/ cleanupFunction /after each process termination cleanupFunction will get called and have 30 seconds to finish cleaning up the process/ );